Welcome, Ruplekha!

My name is Ruplekha Bordoloi, and I have recently joined for a PhD program under the supervision of Prof. Pascal D.C. Dietzel, Department of Chemistry, UiB. I am originally from Assam, India.

I did my Bachelor’s in Chemistry and Education from Tezpur University, Assam; and my Master’s at IIT Mandi, India. During my master’s journey, I worked in the areas of Crystalline porous materials ( Covalent Organic Frameworks), Flow chemistry ( Droplet & Continuous photocatalysis, Fabrication of microreactors etc.

I am captivated and engrossed by Prof. Pascal’s insights and how he has successfully managed to prioritize both theoretical and practical knowledge equally as if they were two sides of the same coin. These inspires and motivates me a lot. I believe that I will immensely benefit from his rich experience and guidance to strengthen my understanding and knowledge in the field of Porous materials, MOFs and its characterizations as well as applications.  And I am excited to experience and learn so to broaden my horizons in the field of  MOFs for CCUS and clean hydrogen production from department of Chemistry, UiB.

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