Category: konferanse etc
Mali rapporterer fra TMS&UiB karriereprogram, Solstrand
Trond Mohn Stiftelse og UiB karriereprogram, Solstrand 19. og 20. september 2023

TMS på Solstrand.Foto: Eivind Senneset, UiB
To spennende dager i sol og regn sammen med nåværende og tidligere TMS Starting-Grant mottakere, med tid og rom til å bli bedre kjent og utveksle erfaringer. Rektor presenterte UiBs visjon og ambisjon i dagens politiske kontekst i Norge, mens andre presentasjoner delte innsikt i UiBs økonomimodell og budsjett. Fakultetsdirektør Elisabeth Müller Lysebo informerte om kravene for å få professorat ved UiB, med søkelys på undervisningskomponenten og hva som forventes, mens Haris Tzoulis fortalte om sin vei til professorat. Sist, men ikke minst ble deltagerne utfordret på egen lederstil og viktigheten av en god gruppedynamikk for å kunne bygge en god forskerkarriere ved UiB. Som kveldsunderholdning gav Justas Zalieckas fra IFT, mottaker av både TMS og ERC StG i 2022, en spennende «candlelight lecture» om karbon, diamanter og deres bruk i medisinske implantater.
ISOM-XXIV is off to a good start!
Vidar and Deryn were proud and thrilled to welcome to Bergen the participants of the 24thedition of the International Symposium on Olefin Metathesis and Related Chemistry!
Following the kick-off in 1976 in Mainz, this important series of conferences has been held every odd-numbered year up to and including 2019, when ISOM-23 was held in Barcelona. 2021 was the exception, for reasons well known to all. Now, the olefin metathesis community is again gathered and gathering strength for new progress, right here in Bergen!
Located at the West Coast at the slopes of high mountains, Bergen has been an internationally oriented city since way before Hanseatic time, and it makes perfect sense that this international symposium is held in Bergen. On the other hand, there is no denying that geographically, Norway lies at the outskirts of Europe. We rely on our guests to bring the world in and thereby include us in the international community.
Priority research areas at University of Bergen are Marine research, Climate and energy transition, and Global challenges. Chemistry holds the keys to progress on many of these challenges, including the sustainable synthesis of materials and chemicals, better pharmaceuticals, the utilization of bio-based feedstocks, and low-carbon energy carriers, to name but few.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, in their press release on the 2005 Nobel prize in chemistry, hailed olefin metathesis as one of organic chemistry’s most important reactions. Continuing, “This represents a great step forward for “green chemistry”, reducing potentially hazardous waste through smarter production. Metathesis is an example of how important basic science has been applied for the benefit of man, society and the environment.”
The scientific program of ISOM-24 very much reflects this rôle, as exemplified by session titles such as Sustainable metathesis, sustainable catalysts, and circular economy. Another observation from the program, is the forward-leaning and ambitious attitude, which is truly becoming for a mature scientific field. Session titles New perspectives, New frontiers, and Emerging reactions indicate that there is still much ground to break before the potential of olefin metathesis is fully achieved and put to work!
In their bid for ISOM-24, the conference chairs, professors Deryn Fogg and Vidar Jensen, expressed concern that the actual industrial uptake of olefin metathesis technology has been slower than expected. This puts double pressure on the ISOM series, as the main arena for communication between stakeholders in olefin metathesis.
Department of Chemistry is proud to be entrusted the organization of this important event. The conference chairs have done everything in their power to ensure a top scientific program and exciting extra-scientific events. Moreover, the local organizing committee, including
- Karianne Søreide
- Pål Magnus Gunnestad
- Giovanni Occhipinti
- Marco Foscato
- Saifon Maneesai
- Lise Clarke Capp-Isaksen
have made a massive effort in planning, preparing and now driving the many cogwheels that make a conference buzz, with good help from Christian Blanco, Eliza-Jayne Boisvert, Samantha Cormier, Jonas Ekeli, Dmytro Lemeshchenko, and Immanuel Reim.
In addition to stimulating and challenging scientific talks, the value of a conference also lies in the informal discussions, about observations yet unexplained, of failed attempts that rarely make it to the top journals, of thoughts on how and where to proceed, of collaborations to push for progress, of introducing young colleagues to an extensive network and so on. It remains with the participants see to it that ISOM-24 becomes a great success also in this respect!
For a few days Bergen is the center of the olefin metathesis community!
UiB kicks off annual conference series on Equality and Diversity in academia
Today gave the first in an annual series of UiB conferences on equality and diversity, with a great string of inspiring and enlightening talks by UiB and external contributors, as well as discussions and shared outlooks (cf the photo). Chemistry-student Oscar very nicely presented student perspectives of diversity.
This year’s conference also represented the conclusion of GenderAct as a Research Council (co-)funded project within the Balanse program, which implies that gender equality and a balanced gender representation were recurrent topics throughout the day. A deliverable of the project is each department developing its own local action plan toward improved gender balance, equality and diversity, and our’s may be found here.
Join us at Global Women Breakfast: More Voices at the Table
Join us on Tuesday February 14, 2023 for the IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast (#GWB2023), held in conjunction with the U.N. Day of Women and Girls in Science. The goal of the GWB series is to establish an active network of people to overcome the barriers to gender equality in science. GWB is also a flagship event of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development bringing together people from all science disciplines. GWB events are to take place all over the world, and the Department of Chemistry is pleased to organize this event at the University of Bergen, under the title More Voices at the Table.
Where: Auditorium 4, 4th floor, Science Bldg. When: Tuesday Feb 14, at 9am-11am.
Dean of the MN Faculty, Gunn Mangerud, will give an opening address.
Susan Pedigo, professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry at University of Mississippi, will give the feature talk, with the same title as the event.
The lecture is followed by a panel discussion led by Nathalie Reuter (Dept. Chemistry, and CBU), with panelists Fredrik Manne (Inst. Informatics), Edoseghe Edwin Osagiede (Dept. Earth Science), Sevil Sümer, Fac. Social & Educ. Sci., NTNU, and Susan Pedigo, OleMiss.
HyValue and HYDROGENi opened today
Hydrogen and ammonia are the foci of two new Senters for Environmentally-Friendly Energy Research: HyValue and HYDROGENi. HyValue is led by Norce Research, with Dept of Chemistry a strong contributor to work package 1, led by prof. Vidar R. Jensen. The two centra were opened and celebrated in a common kick-off meeting in Oslo today, with greetings and expectations delivered by the the minister of petroleum and energy, Terje Aasland, pro-rector at UiB, Pinar Heggernes, and secretary general of the European Energy Research Alliance, Adel Gammal, and others.
Jonas makes it into the top three
At the recent International Symposium on Olefin Metathesis and Related Chemistry, the #1 forum for exchange of the latest scientific results on olefin metathesis, Department of Chemistry contributed no less than two plenary lectures (Vidar R. Jensen and Deryn E. Fogg) and three posters (presented by Marco Foscato, Immanuel Reim, and Jonas Brattebø Ekeli) to the program in sunny Barcelona.

Poster-prize winner Jonas Brattebø Ekeli (number two from right) accompanied by the Jury Chair, Christophe Coperét (number two from left), Odile Eisenstein (right) and the Conference Chair, Xavier Solans-Monfort.
Moreover, in a fierce competition involving a total of 56 posters, Jonas was one of three poster presenters to be awarded the first price: 150 Euros donated by ACS Catalysis. Jonas’ competitors were almost all his seniors (PhD students and postdocs), which makes his achievement all the more impressive. Congratulations! He presented the poster Z-Selective Ru-Indenylidene Olefin Metathesis Catalysts with remarkable structural features, with co-authors Wietse Smit, Bartosz Woźniak, Giovanni Occhipinti, Karl W. Törnroos, and Vidar R. Jensen.
The role of UiB in NORA
As mentioned at TCLS today, there is a full-day seminar on the role of UiB in NORA, the Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium tomorrow Friday June 21, taking place in the Large auditorium, 2nd floor Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret.
10:00 Welcome and background for the meeting: Pinar Heggernes, Dept. head of informatics, and chair of the board of NORA
10:15 Presentation of NORA, with questions and discussion: Klas Pettersen, director of NORA
10:45-12:00 and 13:00:14:00: Presentation of AI and ML related research at UiB
Fornybarkonferansen 25. april 2019
Fornybarkonferansen er tilbake som regionens største og viktigste møteplass for alle som er opptatt av fornybar energi og bærekraftige løsninger. I år kan du også bidra aktivt med innspill til regjeringens arbeid med nytt «Veikart for grønn konkurransekraft».
Årets tema: Grønn verdiskaping innen områder som maritim, havvind, eksport og mye mer.
Konferansen er gratis! Meld deg på her!
Partnerene bak Fornybarkonferansen: Bergen Næringsråd, BKK, DNB, Norsk Klimastiftelse, UiB og Klimapartnere Vestland. Konferansen arrangeres i samarbeid med Høgskulen på Vestlandet og Miljødirektoratet.
NKS landsmøte / Lab18