Ethics in research – follow-up on Leiv’s talk 14d ago
Formally a part of the regular course MNF990 Theory of Science and Ethics, today (Wednesday 21 September) there will be a mini seminar series with three eminent lecturers on ethics in science.
Location: Biologen (Thormøhlens gate 53b), B-blokken, room K3/K4 (1H19/1G19) .
At 10.15-12 – Andrea Saltelli on Responsible Quantification.
At 12.15-14 – Roger Strand on Responsible Research and Innovation.
At 14.15-16 – David Gee on Conflicts of Interest in research.
You are all welcome to attend one or several of these lectures.
Note also that there will be an early evening lecture in Egget (at the Student Centre) on Climate numbers and climate wars. A fatal attraction? Andrea Saltelli lectures at Wednesday 21 Sept 16.15-18hr