Associate professor position at the Department of Chemistry
Associate professors in bioinformatics – up to five positions
UiB has established the Computational Biology Unit (CBU) as a centre for research and education within the field of bioinformatics. CBU hosts research groups from multiple linked departments at the faculties of mathematics and natural sciences and medicine and odontology.
With support from the Bergen Research Foundation, CBU will be strengthened with five new group leader positions. The ambition is to boost bioinformatics and computational life science research and education at UiB – through a strong centre with critical mass at the CBU and through tight collaboration with linked UiB departments. The five positions are announced as associate professor («førsteamanuensis») posts, each within one of 5 linked departments one of which is the Department of Chemistry.
For the full ad, see JobbNorge.
The Department of Chemistry ( is engaged in research on a wide range of topics within basic and applied chemistry and plays a pivotal role in research-based study programs in chemistry, pharmacy, medical technology, nanoscience and -technology, process- and petroleum technology, energy technology, environmental studies, and teacher’s education. The department hosts the Norwegian National NMR Platform and is presently acquiring specialized instrumentation for metabolomics studies.
We seek candidates with a demonstrated preference for molecular and structural concepts and models in their research and a strong track record in cheminformatics, metabolomics or computational chemistry. Documented experience and interests for methods development is an advantage, as is an interest and talent for applying their methods to real-world problems. The successful applicant must show ability and willingness to develop a line of research that interacts constructively with one or several ongoing activities at the Department of Chemistry. The department would in particular like to develop such interactions with activities within design of bioactive molecules and metabolomics studies.
For more information, see www.cbu.uib.noor contact Head of Department, prof. Knut Børve (, phone +47 55 58 33 65) or Director of CBU, prof. Inge Jonassen (, phone +47 55 58 47 13).