Month: desember 2017

God jul!

Den tradisjonsrike Julelunsjen ved KI blei ei fin samlingsstund for tilsette, emeriti, pensjonistar og studentar, med rom for tilbake- og sideblikk, god mat og drøs, og nokre frampek. Takk til Bjarte, Solmaz, Milan, Jose, Frida, Helge og Unni, som stod for arrangementet, og til Kjersti for veggkunst!

Riktig god jul til alle som har (eller har hatt) Kjemisk institutt som arbeids- og studiestad!

Gratulerer til Dr. Ole-Johan!

Opphavsrett: Frank Robert Webermann

Askøyværing og farmasøyt Ole-Johan Juvik disputerte i dag for ph.d.-graden med avhandlingen: «Characterization of bioactive natural products from edible, medicinal and toxic plants». Avhandlingen beskriver oppdagelse og karakterisering av ikke mindre enn 55 naturprodukter fra 7 planter fra 4 kontinenter, og for hele 12 av de 55 forbindelsene er dette første gang de er beskrevet i den vitenskaplige litteraturen. Hoved- og biveileder har vært hhv. professorene Torgils Fossen og Svein Haavik. Ole-Johan har vært ansatt som stipendiat ved Senter for Farmasi med arbeidssted hos oss. Vi gratulerer og ønsker familien god jul!


Takk til Siri og Susanne for å glede mange med lussekattar på Luciadagen — nydelege bollar og eit flott initiativ!!

Christmas party — a tradition in the making

The departmental Christmas party — Julebord — is on a winning streak! Thanks to heroic effort from the NMR and didactics divisions, and Malgorzata and Mildrid in particular, drawing from the wisdom embodied in the eminent party guide prepared last year by Mali, and a generous turn-out of party-minded chemists, it is safe to declare the Julebord last Thursday a great success! IntegrerBar was carefully and appropriately decorated in the colors of the season. The eloquent Olav Audun greeted, entertained and guided each and one and Chemistry’s own seasonal choir – the Off-ke(y)tones – served great entertainment and cultural delicacies – matched in quality and diversity only by the marvellous food contributed by all the guests in this hotpot event! After even the sweet teeth among us had had our fill, chemistry’s own quizmaster Bjørn took the floor — great expectations were met with equal fun and excitement  — congratulations to all groups getting the composition of aqua regia correct! The picture left-to-right: The Julebord, Off-ke(y)tones, tired but extremely pleased organizers, Kjersti and Emily provding samples from the opera Othello.

According to Olav Audun, it takes three occurrences in a row to make a tradition. The last quiz question is obviously which division (faggruppe) gets the honour of turning the chemistry Julebord into a tradition?

Opening of Medical Imaging and Visualization Centre

Successful nanoBergen meeting

The nanoscience network in Bergen, nanoBergen, had an interesting and successful meeting at Hotel Neptun last Thursday. The interdisciplinarity of this research field was evident by the attendance and contributions to the meeting. The departments of physics and technology, biology, clinical dentistry, and chemistry from UiB were all represented. There were also representatives from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences present. From industry we had visits from the local companies EnSOL AS og Joma International AS. Additionally, we had a very interesting presentation and introduction to the “SFI Smart Ocean. Initiative for new Innovation Centre” by Jon Hellevang from GCE Subsea.

Hopefully the meeting will spark further discussions, new ideas and collaborations, and ultimately successful grant applications! Thanks to Mali HusbyRosnes for organizing the meeting! For more information regarding the nanoBergen network check out their webpage: