Aiming for new infrastructure
Oct 10 is the Norwegian research council’s application deadline for national research infrastructure platforms. Only the 165 project leaders who submitted a first-stage sketch are eligible for applying. The 165 budgets sum up to 9,5 billion kroner, while the government plans to spend 600-800 million kroner. The sketches have now been published and the important process can begin of modifying, combining, and in some cases, abandoning, projects may begin.
Our department is coordinating two proposals: High-Throughput Experimentation Facility for Parallel Synthesis, and Reaction Screening and Optimisation (contact person: Giovanni) and X-ray Diffraction Instrumentation for Biostructures, Catalytic Chemistry and Functional Materials (contact person: Karl W.). We are strongly involved in the proposed National Mass Spectrometry facility for Metal Complexes, Clusters and Nanoparticles (MS-MCCN) (coordinated UiO), National Platform for NanoSafety, and Lipidomics and Energy Metabolism Platform (both coordinated by the medical faculty, UiB).
We are hosting the NNP (National NMR platform), and experience from both the application process and the startup will prove invaluable in the work that lies ahead.