Coastal collaboration in PET research
Trond Mohn foundation and Tromsø research foundation, both of which are based on generous donations from Trond Mohn, have granted 80 MNOK to fund half of a novel research collaboration between the universities and university hospitals in Tromsø, Trondheim and Bergen. The other half of the funding comes as own funding from the participating institutions. This so-called Coastal collaboration in PET (positron emission tomography) consists of three pilars: (i) development of new PET tracers, (ii) preclinical testing of both new and established tracers in animal models, and (iii) use of PET in clinical investigations, and the first of these is led from Bergen and coordinated by principal radiochemist at the PET center, also førsteamanuensis-II at our department, Tom Chr. Holm Adamsen. The primary objective of this proposal is to increase the number of clinically relevant radiotracers and make these available through strengthening the overall radiochemistry competence within the Coastal Consortium. This objective will be met by establishing a consortium-wide tracer implementation framework based on the experience already gained in Bergen (HUS). Tracers primarily needed for the clinical multi-center studies will be made locally available throughout the consortium. Novel tracers will be multi-center validated, drawing on the combined consortium wide expertise, competence and resources. Erwan Le Roux, Hans-Rene Bjørsvik and Bengt Erik Haug also hold central roles in the project. More information may be found in På Høyden and at the web pages of the Trond Mohn foundation.