NRC Applicants´ Webinars for February-2022-calls
This autumn, the NRC will arrange application webinars for those who are applying for a Research Project or Competence and Collaboration Project with deadlines 2 February and 9 February, respectively. The webinars give an overview of the calls, what you can apply for and how the applications are processed.
These webinars are useful for anyone submitting an application, regardless of topic. During the autumn, the NRC will also provide several applicants´ webinars for specific topics and subject areas. These are announced on the news pages and in newsletters.
Webinar dates (remember to sign up for the webinars, see more information in the links below)
18/10, kl. 10.00-11.00: Samarbeidsprosjekt for å møte utfordringer i samfunn og næringsliv (Norwegian).
18/10, kl. 13.00-14.00: Kompetansebyggende prosjekt for næringslivet (Norwegian).
25/11, kl. 10.00-11.00: Forskerprosjekt (Norwegian).
7/12 at 10.00-11.00: Reserarcher Projects (English).