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Det er en tid for alt, og nå går jeg over i ny jobb i Forskningsseksjonen i fakultetsadministrasjonen på Det medisinske fakultet.
Tusen takk godt samarbeid og lykke til videre.
Riktig god sommer.
Beste hilsen
Course in Preparing for your next Horizon Europe Proposal
Course content: The European framework program Horizon Europe supports is the EU’s main funding programme for research and innovation. Running from 2021 to 2027 with a budget of 95.5 billion euros, it is the most extensive research funding programme globally. It supports a wide range of research and innovation activities, including primary and applied research, innovation projects, and networking activities, and provides funding and opportunities for researchers in all fields and at all career stages.
However, complexity and documentation render the program challenging to navigate. Many scientists with excellent ideas are not participating in the program despite their outstanding research. On the other hand, a few magically attract funding. They know how to network, find relevant «Call to Action» and write a competitive proposal, next to being a good researcher. These observations are my main drivers for developing a practical how-to course on using the vast amount of data in the EU system to think outside the box and understand and navigate the Horizon Europe framework program.
Learning outcome:
Participants will get an overview of:
– How to take advantage of past and current projects funded by the EU Commission to think outside the box?
– How to navigate Horizon Europe – Pillar II to find relevant «Call to Action»?
– How to write the core concept of a research proposal?
Target group:
Suitable for both scientific and administrative staff who want to learn more about practical creativity, Horizon Europe and developing research proposals. Please note that this is an internal UiB course, and is only open to UiB employees.
Duration: The course lasts 2,5 hours. There will be an exchange of experience and group work along the way.
Principal trainer: Hiwa Målen (PhD & RM), Department of Research and Innovation, University of Bergen.
For admin. support staff: 10.06.22.
For scientific staff: 17.06.22.
Horizon Europe Inspiration Workshop
Welcome to Horizon Europe Inspiration Workshop – a follow-up event to the Info Day in January 2022.
13.05.2022, at 09.30-15.00. Scandic Hotell Ørnen.
All UiB researchers are welcome to this event.
The programmme begins with a brief overview of the different types of funding available for research, innovation, career and networking in Horizon Europe and Erasmus + and how to find them.
Researchers and research advisers from UiB share their experiences in talks and panel debates on network building, team building and proposal writing.
Mingling sessions: Throughout the day, there will be open stations where researchers can get advice and help from research advisers to find funding opportunities within their research field or interest, or ask questions about Horizon Europe and Erasmus +.
Preliminary programme and registration (deadline 10.05.22 at 12.00).
Nanoteknologi for fremtiden og klima

Foto/ill.: Pixabay, https://www.uib.no/ub/150614/nanoteknologi-fremtiden-og-klima
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag i biblioteket
I dette foredraget, vil førsteamanuensis Martin Møller Greve fra Institutt for fysikk og teknologi gi en introduksjon til hva nanoteknologi er. Han vil ta for seg noen dagsaktuelle eksempler som demonstrerer viktigheten til nanoteknologi for å løse teknologiske og forskningsmessige problemer og se på muligheter for nyvinninger og løsninger innen klima og energi. Foredraget blir avsluttet med ett blikk på forskning som blir gjort ved UiB for å forbedre effektiviteten til solceller.
Arrangementet varer omtrent ca. 30-45 minutter og det blir enkel servering av kaffe og kjeks. Alle er hjertelig velkommen!
Tid og sted
OPPLEV på Marineholmen 23. april
Lørdag 23. april skal det myldre på Marineholmen i Bergen. Universitetet i Bergen har fylt 75 år, og vi er opptatt av de neste 75 årene.
Velkommen til festival i området rundt VilVite!
Les mer om program og hva du kan oppleve her
Invitation to seminar: UiB AI #2 But, why? – Make AI answer- 8 April at 10 a.m.
The UiB AI Steering Group welcomes you to a seminar on April 8th at 10 am in the University Aula. The seminar lasts until 11:30 and there will be lunch and discussions 11:30-12:00.
This is the second in a series of seminars on artificial intelligence at UiB. The seminars will be a meeting point across departments and fields of research, where different examples on the use of AI in research will be presented.
On April 8th Samia Touileb and Ghazaal Sheikhi from MediaFutures (Department of Information Science and Media Studies) will talk about how AI sees the world and makes the decisions that shapes it.
Since participation is physical and we will order food, we ask all participants to register via the link on the seminar web page. You will find more information about the seminar and registration link here:
UiB AI #2 But, why? – make AI answer! | UiB AI | UiB
Registration deadline: 06.04.2022 – 12.00.
Sivilingeniørstudentene i Medisinsk teknologi blogger om praksis i bedrift
Dette semesteret har sivilingeniørstudentene i Medisinsk Teknologi fått prøve seg i det splitter nye praksisemnet vårt MTEK200. Gjennom praksisutplasseringen skal studentene få innsikt i arbeidslivet og en praktisk forståelse av arbeidsprosesser innen et bredt spekter av virksomheter med relevans til medisinsk teknologi.
Som en del av de obligatoriske undervisningsaktivitetene skal studentene publisere to blogginnlegg hver. Nå har de aller første innleggene blitt publisert og vi er spent på å lese om hvordan praksisen har gått.
Er dere nysgjerrige på hva studentene har jobbet med og hvor de har fått praksisplass? Ta turen innom praksisbloggen da vel!
Bloggen finner dere her.
Data Management Planning Workshop for Life Science Projects
Generate a data management plan for a Life Science research project that will meet the requirements of the Research Council of Norway.
Centre for Digital Life Norway is pleased to announce the Data Management planning workshop for Life Scientists in Norway by ELIXIR Norway and Digital Life Norway.
All projects that receive funding from the Norwegian RCN are required to submit a data management plan as soon as possible after the contract with the RCN has been signed. All Norwegian universities now also require a DMP for all projects. This workshop focuses on how-to generate a data management plan for a Life Science research project that will meet the requirements of the RCN.
They invite researchers (PhD candidates, Post Doctoral Fellows, Researchers, Associate Professors and Professors) in existing and upcoming Life Science projects to develop their DMP in this workshop.
Maximum number of participants: 45.
The workshop will take place if there is at least 10 participants.
Read more about the program and register before 31 March 2022 here.
Courses in Risk Management for Research Projects for PhDs and Young Researchers
UiB FERD Career Center for Early Stage Researchers offers courses in Risk Management in research projects for PhD candidates and young researchers.
The course will help you as a project manager or project participant to understand and plan research projects to minimize risk and ensure good implementation.
Please, see this webpage for general information about the courses and to register for the course.
For PhDs: 16.3.22 at 09.00-11.30. Reg. deadline: 10.3.22 at 12.00.
For young researchers: 26.4.22 at 09.00-11.30. Reg. deadline: 20.4.22 at 12.00.
2009 søknader om Forskerprosjekt
Det ble søkt om nesten 21 milliarder kroner til Forskerprosjekt-utlysningene som hadde frist 2. februar. Nå kan du se hvilke søknader som er sendt inn.