Welcome back to an exciting new academic year!
Hopefully you have all experienced an enjoyable summer vacation and that you have managed to dispose of stress hormones earned during the Spring term, and also stored up energy, ideas and inspiration to invest in the new academic year!
Foto/ill.: Eivind Senneset
This week we are receiving new and returning students in chemistry, nanotechnology, medicinal technology, pharmacy, energy studies and in the teacher education, to name those programs where chemistry is most heavily invested. As for numbers, the chemistry program is bouncing back very nicely and we expect to fill all the places offered with well motivated students. Nanotechnology is also looking promising, and the Med-tech program gives medicine, odontology and psychology a real competition for which program is the hardest to get accepted into!
Choosing UiB and our programs is a strong expression of trust which translates into a great responsibility. We accept this responsibility with dedication to quality in our study programs, both in the individual courses, the programs, and the social learning environment. Let us continue the proud tradition of the Chemistry Department in welcoming the students in a friendly, helpful and efficient manner!