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Welcome, Tobias!

Meet and greet our new PhD student, Tobias Rindfleisch, who will be a member of the Miettinen group at the Department of Chemistry and CBU. He will focus on testing and developing molecular dynamics models of intrinsically disordered proteins against NMR relaxation data. Tobias holds MSc in Bioinformatics and BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Potsdam (Germany).

, mai 18, 2022. Category: Person.

Congrats on successful Summer School!

Summer School 2022 – Computational Molecular Design —  9th – 11th May 2022, Bergen 🇳🇴

The 2022 NordCO2 Summer School was organised by UiB around the theme of “Computational molecular Design” and ran across 3 days with lectures and exercise sessions conducted and given by a group of dedicated Lecturers:

  • Pr. Vidar R. Jensen (UiB)
  • Dr. Marco Foscato (UiB)
  • Pr. David Balcells (UiO)
  • Jonas Ekeli (UiB)
  • Simen Reine (UiO)

This summer school is one of a string of events in The Nordic Consortium for CO2 Conversion (NordCO2, funded by NordForsk through the Nordic University Hub call), which is a network for Nordic researchers working on chemical CO2 conversion in the Nordic countries. NordCO2 promotes knowledge exchange, initiates novel scientific collaborations, jointly trains Nordic students and organizes outreach activities.

Sjå filmen og delta i diskusjonen – Women in Science in Africa

Gratulerer med 25 år på UiB

Vi gratulerer Inger Johanne med 25-års jubileum i godt selskap! For meir info, sjå artikkel i På Høyden.

, april 20, 2022. Category: Person.

Forseinka velkomen til Angeliki!

Hello world,

My name is Angeliki Barouti, or just Lina, and I come from the beautiful island of Crete in Greece. I was always impressed by the diverse flora and fauna of my country and how they contribute to both the ecosystem and peoples’ lives. This led me to not only keep buying tons of plants but also to Pharmacy school at the National Kapodistrian University of Athens. The field that intrigued me the most was the Natural Products domain where I carried out my thesis. After completing my BSc, I undertook an MSc in Medicinal Natural Products and Phytochemistry at University College London where I dug into more aspects of Pharmacognosy.

Now, I am still looking forward to contributing to the research on natural products. I am very happy I did a swift to marine natural products and I can dive more into this under-explored source of new chemicals.

I am joining Monica Jordheim’s research group here at the Chemistry Department and Lars Herfindal’s group in the Department of Clinical Science. I am working on a very interesting, interdisciplinary project about marine bioprospecting. I focus on the chemical analysis and bio-guided fractionation, targeting high-value products from marine algae and epiphytes.

I find very fascinating the field of ethnopharmacology and the ethical dilemmas about bioprospecting so if you feel like wanting to learn more about these or my work let me know!! Cheers, Lina

, mars 23, 2022. Category: Person.

Ledig stilling ved Kjemisk: Forskningsrådgiver / PhD-koordinator

Full søknadsteksten her!

Velkomen Marcello

Hello to everybody!

My name is Marcello Costamagna and I come from a small town in northwest Italy.

I received my bachelor’s at the University of Padova, mostly focusing on physical and computational chemistry. For my master’s, I then moved to Pisa where I picked up the physical chemistry curriculum. For my master’s thesis, I chose the topic of carbon capture and storage (CCS). As it was a completely new topic for me, it has been a great opportunity to challenge myself in doing research, improving my lab skills, and having fruitful collaborations, in particular with a group at the University of Perugia where I also worked for a few weeks.

And now, I am happy to be part of the Jensen group at this University. My Ph.D. will focus on the development of the DeNoptim software and its applications, and it will involve close collaboration with the informatics department.



Extra call by the L. Meltzers foundation

Meltzer Research Fund has made additional funds available this year, and the university has now released an extraordinary call for applications.

The funding database will open on 14 February, and scientific staff can then apply to cover costs in the following categories:

  • Small research infrastructure. Up to NOK 200,000.
  • Minor research funds. Up to NOK 100,000.
  • Organizing scientific conferences,  workshops etc. Up to NOK 200,000.

Please read carefully the instructions and find the application form here.

Deadline: 18 March 2022

Get acquainted with our new colleague, assoc. prof. Markus Miettinen!

I was born and raised in a small village called Juankoski in the North-Eastern parts of the Finnish lake district. The village was socially an interesting place, as it had just 2000 inhabitants, but two rather large factories, and was surrounded by tens of kilometers of just forest, lakes, and small farms. I really liked growing up there, and still have a cabin (and two saunas) on a half-a-hectare island 5 kilometers from the center of Juankoski, where I like to go as often as possible.
For university I moved to Helsinki, to study in Helsinki University of Technology, where I obtained my PhD in Theoretical and Computational Physics. After that I moved to Berlin, where I did post docs in groups doing Biochemistry and Theoretical Physics, and then was a group leader at the MPI of Colloids and Interfaces for 4 years before moving to Bergen.
My scientific peculiarity is my interest in Open Science, which I have been exercising for the last 9+ years in the NMRlipids Project (nmrlipids.blogspot.fi). Outside of science, you might enjoy knowing the three fascinating factoids that (1) I have published a bunch of comic strips describing the life of a rabbit, who moves to Helsinki from the North-Eastern parts of the Finnish lake district; (2) I have two furless cats; and (3) my wife is a chef, so I am forced to regularly fine-dine so she can stay up-to-date of what is going on in the culinary world.

Velkomen til Zakieh!

Hei Kjemisk!

Jeg heter Zakieh Izakian og er overingeniør på Kjemisk institutt. Jeg jobbet tidligere ved Drug Discovery Laboratory i Oslo som forsker og på Kjemisk institutt ved UiO som ingeniør. Jeg er utdannet i organisk kjemi og gjennom utdannelse og arbeidserfaring har jeg fått solid kunnskap om kromatografiske instrumenter som HPLC og LC-MS. Jeg har også jobbet med utvikling av synteseveier til potensielle legemidler og analyse av det kjemiske innholdet i de nye produktene, og ikke minst har jeg erfaring med bruk av GC.

Mitt kontor/lab ligger i 3. etasje. Ser frem til å møte dere alle!

Med vennlig hilsen, Zakieh

, januar 3, 2022. Category: Person.
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