Category: Person
Sondre is back!
Sondre H. Hopen Eliasson has (re)joined the Department of Chemistry, now as a researcher. After finishing his master’s degree in nanoscience at the physics department he wrote his doctoral thesis on the subject of Mechanistic studies of organometallic catalysts for fatty acid conversion, under the tutelage of Professor Vidar R. Jensen. Their collaboration will now continue with Sondre refocusing on computational studies of homogeneous electrocatalysts for reduction of CO2 as a part of the Nordic Consortium for CO2 Conversion (NCCO2) project.
Velkomen til Jonas E!
I started the bachelor program in nanotechnology fall of 2014, and advanced to the master program in nanoscience under supervision of Vidar Jensen, spring of 2018. During my masters, I worked on the development of E-selective Ru catalysts for olefin metathesis, and my master thesis was titled: Computational Studies and Design ofStereoselective Ruthenium-Based Catalysts for Olefin Metathesis. As a PhD-student, I will continue to work on olefin metathesis, where I will research catalyst stability. With the results from this study, I will try to predict new, more stable catalysts, both for selective and non-selective olefin metathesis.
Nathalie joins PRACE Scientific Steering Committee
Professor Nathalie Reuter, CBU and Dept. Chemistry, has been elected member of the PRACE Scientific Steering Committee! PRACE, short for Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe, is an organization set to enable high-impact scientific discovery and engineering research and development, by offering world class computing and data management resources and services through a peer review process.
Quoting a recent Sigma2 newsletter: The Scientific Steering Committee is composed of European leading researchers that are responsible for advice and guidance on all matters of a scientific and technical nature, which may influence the scientific work carried out by the use of the PRACE supercomputers. Nathalie Reuter (..) will through the Scientific Steering Committee advise PRACE on how best to exploit the PRACE facilities to maximize the benefits to European Science.
We congratulate Nathalie and PRACE!
Velkomen Jonas H!
Congrats Dr Sondre!
Today, Sondre Hilmar Hopen Eliasson successfully defended his PhD thesis Mechanistic insight for improved catalytic conversion of fatty acids to linear alpha-olefins. This is his contribution to the ongoing world-wide effort of developing chemical transformations for molecular resources of biological origin into modern commodity and platform chemicals. Sondre was first exposed to catalysis research in 2010 as part of the Nano100 experience, where he worked with Karl Törnroos to determine the structure of a Ru-based metathesis catalyst. After completing an MSc in nanoscience at the physics department he returned to chemistry and the Jensen laboratory, and today completed the circle by becoming Philosophiae Doctor. Congratulations!
Velkomen Sara!
Sara Barranco Campos has recently joined the Department of Chemistry as a PhD student in organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry under Hans-René Bjørsvik supervision. The subject of the project is medicinal imaging dedicated to the design and synthesis of PET-precursors prepared for 11C labelling, in collaboration with the Bergen Tracer Development Centre (Bergen-TDC) financed by the Trond Mohn foundation and the Tromsø research foundation.
Sara holds a bachelor’s degree from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) and a master’s degree in Chemistry from the University of Bergen. The title of her master’s thesis was “Synthesis of imidazole core based small molecules for the treatment of SMA”.
Congrats Dr Solmaz!
Last Friday, Solmaz Ghoreishi successfully defended her PhD thesis Large-scale conversion of lignin to liquid through formic acid assisted solvolysis in aqueous and ethanolic reaction media: comparison of yields and product compositions. Solmaz has made signficant contributions to upscaling of the lignin-to-liquid process from small- to large-labscale (5L) reactors, which is an important step toward making it a viable industrial option. Both Solmaz and the two opponents did very well, making the disputation ceremony an interesting and enjoyable event for those present. Congratulations!
Welcome Parveen!
Parveen Gartan has joined our department as a PhD student. He will be supervised by Professor Nathalie Reuter. He will work on the project RESPOND3 financed by the Digital Life program of the NFR. The title of the project is “Towards better computational approaches and responsible innovation strategies in early drug discovery: application to antibiotics and COPD”. Parveen holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from University of Delhi (India) and a master’s degree from Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur (India). The title of his Master thesis was: “Calculations of absolute binding free energies of kaempferol binding to inflammation responsive protein ASC”.
Velkomen Sofie!
Sofie Lekve has taken up a position with our department, with administrative responsibilities for the interdisciplinary study programs in nanotechnology & -science and medical technology. She holds a master’s degree in philosophy from UiB, with specialization in ethics. She has previous work experience from both administrative and academic positions. Her administrative work experience includes administrative work in the Philosophy Department, as well as being a Student Advisor at the Grieg Academy. She has also worked as a research assistant in projects within philosophy and social science and, moreover, held a position as a Lecturer in Philosophy at UiB. She is particularly interested in bioethics and generational ethics, as well as questions regarding ethics and AI.
Welcome Gabriel!
Dr. Gabriel Jeantelot has joined the department of chemistry as a postdoctoral researcher. He will work with Associate Professor Erwan Le Roux on the catalytic hydrodeoxygenation of lignin-based compounds to aromatics, as part of an ENERGIX-funded project. He holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the Université Blaise Pascal (France), and a Master’s degree and Ph.D from the KAUST university (Saudi Arabia), obtained under the supervision of Professor Jean-Marie Basset. He wrote his thesis on the surface chemistry of morphology-controlled titanium dioxide nanoparticles, used in photocatalytic water splitting after decorating them with metal complexes by surface organometallic chemistry.