Welcome to Hajar!
Hajar Nsiri is a new PhD student in the Nanomodeling and theoretical chemistry group. The working title of her PhD project is «Transition-metal catalyzed CO2/epoxide copolymerization. Mechanistic insight and prediction from molecular-level calculations», supervised by Vidar (principal supervisor) and Erwan (co-supervisor). The PhD-project is part of the highly interdisciplinary project GreenCAT – «Design of Green Catalysts for the Conversion of Renewable Resources into Polymers», funded by the Research Council of Norway and with Erwan as the project manager. The goal is to develop transition metal catalysts for polymerization of CO2.
Hajar holds a master degree in organic synthesis and chemistry of bio-active molecules from the University Claude Bernard (Lyon, France). In her master project she worked on the relation between ligand structure/Activity/Polymer microstructure for the copolymerization of ethylene/butadiene by neodymocene complexes using quantum-chemical density functional theory (DFT) calculations.