2 Vacancies at the Dept. of Chemistry
ostdoctoral Fellow in experimentally based modelling of colloid transport in porous media.
The position is for a period of 3 years and is associated with the EPOCH project (funded by Statoil through the Academia agreement). In this project, chemists and mathematicians will work together to ensure that the development of the modular simulation tool is suitably anchored to experimentally observed physicochemical pore scale phenomena. For more information, see here. Application deadline: 1 April 2016.
Research fellow (PhD candidate) in computational catalysis and molecular design
The position is for four years (including teaching duties) and is connected to an interdisciplinary project, funded by the Research Council of Norway, on the development of homogeneous catalysts for the conversion of lignin-derived bio-oil to biofuel. For more information, see here. Application deadline: 8 April 2016.