Christmas party a smashing success!
Thanks to meticulous planning from Mali, a great effort from the Inorganic nanochemistry group, and a generous turn-out of party-minded chemists, it is safe to declare the chemistry Christmas party last night a great success! The location (IntegrerBar) was carefully and appropriately decorated according in the colors of the season, with glasses of bubbles and a verbal duet by Emily and Anders greeting each and one to the party. The evening saw the debut of a brand new choir – the Off-ke(y)tones – featuring a Grammy-nominated member (according to her own beautiful and hence reliable voice) – which served great entertainment and cultural delicacies – matched in quality and diversity only by the marvelous food contributed by all the guests in this hotpot event! After even the sweet teeth among us had had our fill, chemistry’s own quizmaster Bjørn took the floor — great expectations were met with equal fun and excitement and what looked to become a draw was turned into a staggering dark-horse victory (hence the light setting of the photo) — congratulations!
A success like this begs for continuation. In short – you have been taking part in the birth of (what will become) a grand tradition! While it will be hard to top the skills and efforts by the organizers of this year’s premiere event, the good news is that Mali has it all documented and ready for the next crew. The last quiz question is obviously which division (faggruppe) accepts the challenge. The answer is…?