Say hello to Davide and Matteo!
Davide Cirillo and Matteo Faltracco have a lot in common. They have both joined the department very recently as new PhD students working on projects that are parts of PET3D “PET imaging in Drug Design and Development”, funded by European Commision under the H2020 – MSCA–ITN–2015 program (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action, Innovative Training Network) and are being supervised by Hans-René Bjørsvik. Moreover, they are both Italian and actually were class mates during high school! While both projects are focused on making new PET tracers, Matteo’s is about synthesis and functionalization of small molecules based on 2-nitro imidazole scaffold, whereas Davide aims to synthetize radiolabeled derivatives of Sulfasalazin (an inhibitor of Xc-antiporter).