nanoBergen Brain-storming session
Nano2021 is a nanoscience and -technology program funded by the Norwegian research council. The next upcoming application deadline is May 24, with 41 MNOK in the pot. Importantly, this call allows for researcher projects («Forskerprosjekt»), which does not require industry participation. The call is detailed here.
On Tuesday 28, researchers from six different departments and institutions joined forces at the Department of Chemistry in a project-generation session within the nanoBergen network, with the purpose to establish local inter-institutional collaborations for the upcoming NANO2021 call as well as longer-term calls. Project ideas were presented that involve interesting nanoscience related to physics, chemistry and molecular biology, with downstream applications within e.g. technology, energy and medicine. In addition to the thrill of joining multidisciplinary scientific discussions, several concrete collaborations were established, inspiring similar meetings for future calls. Thanks to Christian for organizing this event!