Installation of the new 600MHz NMR instrument well under way

Installation of the new, long-heralded 600 MHz NMR-instrument has started! According to Jose, the magnet is already correctly mounted in the NNP-lab. In the picture, you can see it to the left of its big cousin, the 850 MHz instrument. two_nmr

A pump is creating the vacuum in the dewar over the weekend, and we will start cooling the magnet with liquid nitrogen and helium on Monday. After that, the exciting process of energising is starting on Wednesday, and the magnet will probably be «on field» on Friday. We are looking forward to it! Hopefully, we will not talk about Quench… Next week the last system modules will be installed: the cryo-platform, the console and the sample-jet. The system acceptance is planned by November 3rd and we are planning a grand opening on November 16!

Our old and from-time-to-time troubled 600 MHz instrument will be taken off field starting on Monday.