Month: november 2017

Autorisert opplæring på ny IR

Onsdag 22. november kl 09.00 kommer en emissær fra Nerliens Meszansky AS for å gi oss autorisert opplæring på vår nye IR, Nicolet iS5. Alle som ønsker godkjentstempel som spektrografiker og ellers evig ære er velkommen.

Kurslab B 3. etg.

Forskingskoordinator ved KI og IFT

Ved Kjemisk institutt og Institutt for fysikk og teknologi er det ledig ei fast stilling som forskingskoordinator (rådgjevar). Stillinga er delt mellom Kjemisk institutt og Institutt for fysikk og teknologi med hhv. 40% og 60%. Sjå detaljar her. Søknadsfrist 10. desember 2017.

Do you wonder…

…how Bjørn Grung found himself here? For the answer, attend the Thursday lunch seminar this week at 12.15 @Tripletten. Welcome!

Mali gains momentum

Momentum, UiB’s new high-profile Career Development Program for Young Researchers, kicked off last Friday. As one of only three researchers at our faculty (16 UiB-wide), Mali Husby Rosnes, ass. prof. at our department, has been selected for participation in the program. The program runs over one year and is designed to give talented postdocs and associate professors the opportunity to acquire and strengthen professional skills whilst offering a forum to reflect on the opportunities and challenges that working in academia present. Congratulations to Mali and good luck with the program!

(C) UiB

Germany-Norway seed money

Note that the support is limited to activities that identify and initiate cooperation in research and teaching between workgroups at UiB and at Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. Longer stays of individual persons can be funded, provided that they induce a networking effect for both institutions involved. Personnel costs cannot be funded. A maximum of 5,000 € may be applied for. Funding is exclusive to travel and accommodation expenses. Application deadline is 8th December 2017. The selection of the funded projects is estimated to take place by the end of January 2018 and the projects should be completed by September 2018. More details here.

Innvielse av nytt 600 MHz NMR-instrument

Molecular modelling of protein dynamics

The Thursday seminar this week is given by professor Nathalie Reuter, Dept. Molecular Biology. The question is How do soluble proteins bind to biological membranes? Answers from molecular simulations and experiments may be obtained at Tripletten at 12.15. Welcome!

Professor Bjørn!

Sak 81 på Fakultetstyret si saksliste for møtet den 8. november 2017 omhandla


Det er ei stor glede å kunne gratulere Bjørn Grung med eit vel fortent opprykk!

Brannalarmen i dag var en øvelse.  /  The fire alarm was an exercise. 8. nov.17

Husk å gå til samlingsplassene; enten Parkveien 34 (i nord), eller Allegt. 66 / fysikkbygget (i sør).

BTO-dag i dag

btoimage001Husk at i dag, første tysdag i månaden, er Elisabeth hos oss frå kl 1200. Ta gjerne kontakt med henne om BTO-relaterte saker eller berre for å diskutere ein idé!

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