Nathalie receives the prestigious Loew Lectureship Award
At the biannual President’s Meeting in ISQBP next week, Dr. Nathalie Reuter, as of July 1 Professor at the Chemistry department, will receive the Loew Lectureship Award! The International Society of Quantum Biology and Pharmacology (ISQBP) was founded by Professor Per-Olov Löwdin, who also served as the society’s first president. The eleventh President was Gilda H. Loew, in honour of whom the Loew Lectureship Award was established in 2004, and the 23rd President was this years recipient of said Award, namely Nathalie. In between, the list of former ISQBP Presidents include several Nobel prize laureates and other highly regarded scientists. We congratulate Nathalie on receiving the Loew Award in recognition of her high standing in a very competitive field of research!
In passing, it may be noted that the referred-to Professor Löwdin is also accredited with coining the research field Quantum Chemistry. He was the supervisor of Professor Rolf Manne, who in turn established this research field in Bergen, at the Chemistry department. It does make some sense that Nathalie receives the Loew Award and joins the Chemistry department at the same time!