Chemical WasteDay – a success!
Yesterday’s Chemical Wasteday offered simple disposal of old chemicals and at a minimum of paperwork. Faculty and student members of the department seized the opportunity with both hands (wearing proper gloves and goggles, of course) and handed in 443 kg of outdated and insufficiently labelled chemicals, organized into 150 red plastic boxes. The chemicals sorted into 18 different waste categories, covering all kinds of compounds.
The list even includes mercury, which is something of a mystery given that we disposed of all liquid mercury that existed at the department last year (and the year before that!). Anyhow, a big Thank you! for the communal effort, and an even bigger one to Lisbeth for organizing and overseeing the whole event. During the Vernerunde in about four months´ time, verifying that (i) all chemicals in use are properly labelled, and (ii) that each lab has an updated inventory of chemicals available in that lab, will be a priority.