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EuroNanoForum 2021 5-6 May 2021 – Free registration

The EuroNanoForum 2021 conference will address the role of nano-enabled technologies and industries in the transformation towards EU prosperity. The event will bring forward the role of R&I, as well as the opportunities offered by EU’s next Framework Programme; Horizon Europe.

The event will bring together experts across different sectors to identify policy options and priorities. In addition to sharing insight on technical, industrial and social challenges, views and ideas will be discussed on the role of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials on EU’s Recovery. The different solutions for boosting the economy through clean technology will be examined, highlighting their benefits and practical challenges, with regards to safety, health and environment, as well as ethical and societal issues.

These ambitious goals of a greener, digital, resilient and sustainable economy and society can only be achieved by co-creating innovative solutions with the collective effort of key actors encompassing researchers, innovators, industries, regions, public authorities, investors and civil society.


Congratulations Dr. Silje

MSc. Silje Steinsholm successfully completed the PhD defense on 12 April by defending her thesis Sensory and Physicochemical Properties of Enzymatic Protein Hydrolysates.

We congratulate Silje with the PhD degree and also the supervisors Principal supervisor Researcher Tone Aspevik, Nofima and the co-supervisors Senior researcher Åge Oterhals at Nofima and Associate professor Jarl Underhaug at the Department of Chemistry, University of Bergen.

The press release is presented at UiB.no.

Dr. Silje Steinsholm. Photo/Ill.: Nofima AS



New exhibition in the University Museum – Machine Vision

The ERC project Machine Vision opens an exhibition in the University Museum today. It runs until August.

Read more

Data Management Plan WORKSHOP 19 March 10-14

In this workshop you will work on your own DMP using a digital DMPtool, e.g DMPOnline, and then share your DMP with other participants and get feedback on your own DMP. Experts from the University Library will also be there to guide you.

Read more about recommended pre-work, the program and sign up here. Registration deadline 18 March at 10.00.


NFR rundebordskonferanse 9. mars, kl. 10.00

Mer informasjon og påmelding her

, 2. mars 2021. Category: Hendingar.

Congratulations Dr. Badar Al Shakry

Photo: Private

On 12 February, MSc Badar Al Shakry successfully defended his PhD thesis «Polymer Injectivity – Experimental Studies of Flow in Porous Media for EOR Polymers». We congratulate him with the PhD degree and also his supervisors Prof. Arne Skauge (KI), Senior researcher Tormod Skauge (Energy Research Norway) and Senior researcher Behruz Shaker Shiran (NORCE).

Link to press release.

Lunsjmøte med rektorteamene om formidling til vitenskapenes fremme – 24. februar kl. 12

Hvilken rolle bør formidling ha ved Universitetet i Bergen? Med en nært forestående rektorvalgkamp inviterer Selskapet til Vitenskapenes Fremme rektorteamene til et digitalt lunsjmøte om formidlingens stilling ved Universitetet i Bergen. Hvilke planer og perspektiver har de ulike rektorteamene har når det gjelder formidling?

Møteleder: Eirin Eikefjord, politisk redaktør i Bergens Tidende

Du kan følge sendingen på Youtube

Valg på nye instituttrådmedlemmer til Kjemisk institutt våren 2021 / Election of board members to the department board at the Department of Chemistry – spring 2021

Det er i år valg til instituttrådet for gruppe A (fast ansatte i undervisnings- og forskerstilling), gruppe B (midlertidig tilsatte i undervisnings- og forskerstilling), gruppe C (ansatte i tekniske og administrative stillinger) og gruppe D (studenter).

Kandidatene i gruppe B og D blir valgt for perioden 1.8.2021-31.7.2022. Kandidatene i gruppe A og C blir valgt for perioden 1.8.21-31.7.25.

Har du lyst til å stille, eller kjenner du noen som har lyst til å stille til valg, så vil Kari Nordvik gjerne høre fra deg!

Frist for å  melde inn kandidater er 23. mars kl. 12:00


Members representing all groups (staff and students) to the Department Board are to be elected for the period of – group B and D 1.8.2021-31.7.2022, group A and C 1.8.21-31.7.2025.

Do you want to run as a candidate, or to you know someone who do – please let us know!

Contact Kari.Nordvik@uib.no

Deadline for the nomination of candidates is 23. March, 12:00PM


, 23. februar 2021. Category: Informasjon. Tagged: .

UiB idé – Do you have a good idea? Seek support!

UiB idé gives employees and students the possibility to apply for economic support for good innovation ideas, which must be developed and tested before they can be further developed.

For an idea to be innovative, it must be novel, create value and respond to specific needs from a certain user group, or from society in general. Good ideas are found in all professional environments, and can become social innovations, public sector innovations, process innovations, commercialization projects or other types of innovation.

With UiB idé, UiB has a program that can support your idea with both advice and funding, to help you to reach your goal.

The maximum funding amount is NOK 500,000 for researcher projects, and NOK 100,000 for student projects. The application deadline is 6 April 2021, and the project must be completed by December 2021. For the pilot year 2021, the total program budget is around NOK 2,000,000.

You can read more about the call and application procedure at the UiB idé webpage.

News story about UiB idé.

The UiB SFF Initiatives – Including KI’s CDCM

All UiB SFF applicants are now presented on uib.no including Centre for Discovery of Complex Molecules  (CDCM) lead by professors Deryn E. Fogg and Vidar R. Jensen from the Department of Chemistry.

Ill.: CDCM/https://www.uib.no/en/cdcm


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