Category: Hendingar

Congrats dr. Kjersti!

Kjersti Hasle Enerstvedt successfully and confidently defended her thesis on home turf (Tripletten) today. Her PhD project and now, thesis, Analysis of polyphenolic content in marine and aquatic angiosperms from Norwegian coastal waters, is an important step in furthering chemistry with a marine focus at the Chemistry department. 

June offers two important occasions to note in the calendar

June 18: HSE-day at the Chemistry dept. The event is compulsory and lasts full office hours until 15h00. Please note, you will receive invitation for a social continuation starting at 15h15. June 19: Celebrating Leiv Sydnes – chemist, educator, world citizen and in a couple of months, Emeritus  Professor! Save the time-slot 12h-14h.


Kjersti disputerer

Kjersti Hasle Enerstvedt disputerer torsdag 26. med avhandlingen: «Analysis of polyphenolic content in marine and aquatic angiosperms from Norwegian coastal waters». Hurra!

Congrats Dr. Audun!

It is a pleasure to congratulate Audun Drageset on his presentation and defence of his PhD project and thesis today! 

Velkommen til offisiell åpning av Læringssenteret

Torsdag 22. mars kl. 14.00 er både studenter og ansatte hjertelig velkommen til den offisielle åpningen av det nye Læringssenteret vårt, sør i Realfagbygget. Det blir både musikk, taler, snorklipping og enkel bevertning!

Fagdag i kjemi

Siste fagdag i skoleåret 2017/2018 er 23. mars. Det er elever fra skolene Rå, Skranevatnet og Ytrebygda som besøker oss.

Audun disputerer

PhD Seminar Series Kicked-off

Last month the new seminar series for PhD candidates at the chemistry department was kicked-off, and today was second meeting. The seminar series will provide valuable training in participating at and leading scientific discussions, as well as in presenting and discussing topics from your research with fellow chemists that are not necessarily experts in your own field of research. Last but not least, the seminars will serve as a meeting place where our PhD candidates can get to know each other and learn more about research outside their own group. As a rule of thumb, we will meet on the last Wednesday of the month at 9:15 in Reagensglaset. (Text: Kristine)

Andrey disputerer

Andrey Bezrukov disputerer 16. mars 2018  med avhandlingen: ‘Development of metal-organic frameworks with hydroxyl and phosphine functionalities for potential applications in adsorption and catalysis

Congrats, Dr. Festo!

It is a pleasure to congratulate Festo Kayima with his new-won academic status, and at the same time acknowledge the contributions from his supervisors (Matthias Stadler and Erik Fooladi), the evaluating committee (Inger Marie Dalehefte, Ian Abrahams og Bjørn Grung) and Custos (George Francis)!

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