Category: Informasjon
Workshops on responsible research and innovation (RRI) 4.& 5. April
All PhD students at UiB are invited to 1-day workshops in responsible research and innovation (RRI). No prior knowledge of RRI is needed. Participants may sign up for one or both of the workshops.
Responsible PhD: Integrating RRI into PhD research – 4. April, 08.30 – 16.00. This workshop will provide an introduction to RRI and brainstorm on how ideas of RRI can be integrated into the individual PhD project.
Developing RRI guidelines for PhD research – 5. April, 08.30 – 16.00. After a brief introduction of RRI, this workshop will employ case studies and a «world café approach» to go further into the issue of how RRI could and should be implemented into PhD research.
Each workshop corresponds to 1 ECTS credit including preparation and a post-workshop reflection memo. Please register by 29. March. More information HERE.
What a great week!
It is with great pleasure, pride and expectations that I announce that we have been able to recruit two exceptional scientists to our programme this week – professors Nathalie Reuter and Johannes Kirchmair!
Foto: Marita Aarekol
Both of them will be affiliated with the Computational Biology Unit (CBU) as well as the Chemistry department. They take on center-stage roles in developing molecular life science, including bioinformatics, at our department as well as at the faculty, with huge potential for fruitful collaborations with other groups at and beyond the department. On the methodological side, they significantly expand the breadth and volume of competence in theoretical chemistry including molecular modeling and cheminformatics at the department, creating a larger environment for methods development. Exciting times!
Andrey disputerer
Andrey Bezrukov disputerer 16. mars 2018 med avhandlingen: ‘Development of metal-organic frameworks with hydroxyl and phosphine functionalities for potential applications in adsorption and catalysis’
BTO-day in March: Monday 12
Due to a busier-than-usual schedule, Elisabeth is not able to stick to the first-Tuesday-in-the-month routine this month. Mark off Monday 12 after lunch for her next appearance at the Chem Dept. If you have urgent business to discuss with her, pick up the phone!
Festo disputerer
Doktorand Festo
Tid og Sted: kl 10.30 i Auditorium 3.
Matthias Stadler har vært hovedveileder og Erik Fooladi ved Høgskulen i Volda har vært biveileder.
Annette disputerer
Førsteamanuensis Kristine Spildo har vært hovedveileder og professor Arne Skauge har vært biveileder.
Sommerjobb i Statoil
Statoil ønsker velkommen sommerstudenter som har fullført det andre året på bachelorgraden sin, men ennå ikke ferdigstilt mastergraden. De tilbyr seks til åtte ukers betalt arbeid, relevant arbeidserfaring, et faglig og sosialt nettverk, samt innsikt i industrien. Stillingene spenner helt fra den spisse enden til stab- og støttefunksjoner. Spørsmål rettes til Mari Vie Mæland ( Søknadsfrist: 28. januar.
Important! – Register your science in Cristin before January 31
All the books, papers, conference contributions (talks, posters) etc that you published during 2017 need to be registered in the Cristin database. Cristin is the database that is used to compute the publishing part of our funding for coming 2019. It is a very good idea to register an item in Cristin as soon as the bibliographic information (volume, page number etc) is official – this way it becomes searchable in Cristin and thus your web site as soon as possible. In any case, please take a second look and include everything that has not been registered yet. At present, we have 50 entries in the Cristin database for 2017 and close-to 70 entries in the paper gallery — clearly we have a way to go.
NB! The deadline for registering your scientific production for 2017 is January 31!
Kurs – lære å skrive kronikker og populærvitenskapelig tekster
Forskere ved MatNat-fakultetet inviteres til skrivekurs på tirsdag 20.mars fra 9.00-16.00. Målet er å sette deltakerne i stand å skrive kronikk eller populærvitenskapelig tekst for avis, blad eller nettsteder som Kursledere er redaktør Nina Kristiansen og kronikkansvarlig Eivind Lauritsen ved
Ingen kursavtilgift. Det er ønskelig at deltakelsen speiler hele fakultetet.
Alle deltakere må på forhånd sende inn et utkast til kronikk, som vil bli gjennomgått i løpet av kursdagen.
NB! Kurset foregår på norsk
Elektronisk påmelding med frist: Fredag 9. mars 2018 skjer her.Kontakt kommunikasjonsrådgiver Asbjørn Leirvåg, mobil 41 42 33 41 /
Vijay disputerer!
Vijayaragavan Elumalai disputerer fredag den 19. januar med avhandlingen “Novel Synthetic Methodology and Total Syntheses of Highly Functionalized Carbazoles and Benzo[c]cinnolines.” Doktorgradsarbeidet ble utført i Faggruppe for organisk syntese og legemiddelkjemi med professor Hans-René Bjørsvik som veileder.
Doktorand Vijay