(TCLS= Thursday Chemistry Lunch Seminar: 12.15-13 @ Tripletten
  • For ALL employees at the Chemistry Department!
  • Akademia Agreement – Call for Applications – Deadline 25 February

    The call for seeking funding from the Akademia Agreement is open.

    Full call text (in Norwegian only).

    Please be advised to read the call text thoroughly about the targets for use of seed money to apply for external funding.

    Who can apply:

    • Vitenskapelige ansatte i førstestillinger (kombinerte stillinger som innehar en forskningsdel), forskere (kode 1109, 1110, 1183), og postdoktorer ved UiB.
    • Vitenskapelige ansatte må være ansatt i minimum 50% ved UiB.
    • Postdoktorer må ha en 100% ansettelse ved UiB, og må vise til ansettelse ved UiB 2 år frem i tid for å kunne søke.

    Application deadline: 25 February.

    Link to the application database: fond.app.uib.no


    iCat4Bio – Integrated Catalyst Discovery for Biotechnology

    Forskningsrådet lyste i 2021 ut forskningsmidler i kategorien nyskapende teknologiprosjekter, som omfatter radikalt nyskapende prosjekter som kombinerer IKT, nanoteknologi og bioteknologi. Prosjektet iCat4Bio, ledet av Vidar R. Jensen, ble innvilget som ett av to prosjekter ved UiB.

    Les mer om prosjektet Integrated Catalyst Discovery for Biotechnology her: Kombinerer fagfelt i innovative prosjekter | Aktuelt | UiB

    UiB Idé Webinar for Students and Researchers 7 February at 10.30

    UiB idé gives employees and students the opportunity to apply for support to test and develop good innovation ideas.

    The maximum funding amount is NOK 500,000 for researcher projects, and NOK 100,000 for student projects. The application deadline is the 15th of March 2022.

    Join the information webinar about UiB idé on the 7th of February 10.30 AM to get the most out of your application. This event is for both students and researchers.

    Students with their own ideas, or who wishes to join others to develop a project, can register for the UiB idé vors on the 14th of February at 16.00 PM, which will also include food and drinks at the end.

    Read all about UiB idé and apply here. 

    Velkomen til Zakieh!

    Hei Kjemisk!

    Jeg heter Zakieh Izakian og er overingeniør på Kjemisk institutt. Jeg jobbet tidligere ved Drug Discovery Laboratory i Oslo som forsker og på Kjemisk institutt ved UiO som ingeniør. Jeg er utdannet i organisk kjemi og gjennom utdannelse og arbeidserfaring har jeg fått solid kunnskap om kromatografiske instrumenter som HPLC og LC-MS. Jeg har også jobbet med utvikling av synteseveier til potensielle legemidler og analyse av det kjemiske innholdet i de nye produktene, og ikke minst har jeg erfaring med bruk av GC.

    Mitt kontor/lab ligger i 3. etasje. Ser frem til å møte dere alle!

    Med vennlig hilsen, Zakieh

    , 3. januar 2022. Category: Person.

    UiB idé – Second Edition

    UiB idé has launched its second edition for 2022. UiB idé gives employees and students the opportunity to apply for support to test and develop good innovation ideas.

    New in 2022: There is a possibility to seek minor support for clarification purposes of early innovation ideas.

    The maximum funding amount is NOK 500,000 for researcher projects, and NOK 100,000 for student projects. The program budget is NOK 2,000,000.
    Both researchers and students can also apply for a maximum of NOK 25 000 from UiB tidleg idé (UiB early idea), which aims very early projects, that later can qualify for the maximum amount. You can apply for UiB tidleg idé throughout the year, as there is no application deadline.

    The application deadline for main projects will be March 15, 2022.

    The program website has all relevant information:

    NO: Har du ein god idé? Søk støtte! | Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen | UiB
    ENG: Do you have a good idea? Seek support! | Division of Research and Innovation | UiB

    Webinar about the NRC Application Form – 6 January 10.00-11.00

    On 6 January, you can join a webinar about the application form, where the NRC goes through the form and answers questions along the way. The webinar is suitable for anyone who are going to submit applications, but is especially aimed at the calls for research organizations with a deadline in February. The webinar is held in Norwegian.

    Read more about the program and registration here.

    Registration deadline: Thusday 6 January at 10.00.




    The NRC Application Portal is Open

    You can now create an application for the announcements with a deadline in February 2022.

    The NRC has seven calls for research organizations with a deadline of February 2022. The three calls for Research Project have a deadline of 2 February and the four calls for Competence and Collaboration projects have deadline 9 February.

    Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal (Feb 2)
    Researcher Project for Young Talent (Feb 2)
    Three-year Researcher Project with International Mobility (Feb 2)
    Collaborative Project to Meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges (9 Feb)
    Knowledge-building Project for Industry (9 Feb)
    Collaborative Project relating to Antimicrobial Resistance from a One Health Perspective (9 Feb)
    Collaborative Project in Global Health (9 Feb)