(TCLS= Thursday Chemistry Lunch Seminar: 12.15-13 @ Tripletten
  • For ALL employees at the Chemistry Department!
  • Velkomen til Mari studiekonsulent!

    Hei, jeg heter Mari og skal være vikarierende studiekonsulent her på Kjemisk Institutt.
    Som studiekonsulent skal jeg ha ansvar for de to studieretningene MTEK og NANO.

    Jeg har min bakgrunn fra MatNat og synes det er svært hyggelig å være tilbake ved UiB.
    Jeg har en mastergrad i biologi (miljøtoksikologi), og i tillegg har jeg to år med økonomiske og administrative fag fra HVL. Når det gjelder interesser, så møter du meg plutselig på en spinningtime på et av sentrene til Trene Sammen. Dét har ikke blitt så mye av under korona-epidemien, men jeg tenker å komme sterkere tilbake nå som samfunnet har åpnet opp.
    Jeg ser frem til å bli bedre kjent med dere!

    NRC Applicants´ Webinars for February-2022-calls

    This autumn, the NRC will arrange application webinars for those who are applying for a Research Project or Competence and Collaboration Project with deadlines 2 February and 9 February, respectively. The webinars give an overview of the calls, what you can apply for and how the applications are processed.

    These webinars are useful for anyone submitting an application, regardless of topic. During the autumn, the NRC will also provide several applicants´ webinars for specific topics and subject areas. These are announced on the news pages and in newsletters.

    Webinar dates (remember to sign up for the webinars, see more information in the links below)

    18/10, kl. 10.00-11.00: Samarbeidsprosjekt for å møte utfordringer i samfunn og næringsliv (Norwegian).

    18/10, kl. 13.00-14.00: Kompetansebyggende prosjekt for næringslivet (Norwegian).

    25/11, kl. 10.00-11.00: Forskerprosjekt (Norwegian).

    7/12 at 10.00-11.00: Reserarcher Projects (English).

    Link to calls in Norwegian and English.

    Varsel om NFRs søknadsfrister i februar 2022

    NFR varsler om søknadsfrister i februar 2022.

    Utlysningene vil bli oppdatert med utfyllende informasjon frem mot søknadsfristen.



    Forskerprosjekt for fornyelse, flere tema.

    Forskerprosjekt for unge talenter, tema Banebrytende forskning.

    Treårig forskerprosjekt med internasjonal mobilitet, tema Banebrytende forskning.



    Samarbeidsprosjekt for å møte utfordringer i samfunn og næringsliv, flere tema.

    Kompetansebyggende prosjekt for næringslivet, tema Energi, transport og lavutslipp og Petroleum.

    Ny dato/New date! UiB 75 år: Folkefest på Marineholmen – UoB 75 Year: Festival at Marineholmen

    Universitetet i Bergen fyller 75 år i år og Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet vil fokusere på Marineholmen og det rike innovasjonsøkosystemet som er knyttet opp i området mellom gamle Nygaardsbro og Møhlenpris. Lørdag 23. april 2022 kommer det til å myldre på hele Marineholmen. Hele byen inviteres til folkefest.

    The University of Bergen celebrates its 75th anniversary, and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences sets focus on Marineholmen and the rich innovation environment in the area between the old Nygaardsbro and Møhlenpris. On Saturday 23 April 2022, Marineholmen will be crowded and the whole city is invited to a festival.

    Les mer/Read more (in Norwegian only).

    Foto/ill.: Havkollektivet

    Akademiaavtalen – New call – Deadline 1 September

    The Akademiaavtalen steering committee has decided to announce a new call for funding of mobility, guest researchers and field courses.

    Application deadline is 1 September. Applications are submitted via the application portal.

    Full call text (in Norwegian only).

    It is advised to read the full call text closely as the details are not fully covered in this bulletin.

    Category 1 – Mobility funds / Professional exchange

    Both academic staff and PhD candidates can apply for funding for professional exchange. Permanent scientific staff can also apply for funding to invite guest researchers to UiB.

    The call for 2021 includes mobility funds of NOK 800,000 for mobility activities until 31 August 2022.

    Application criteria:

    • Scientific staff and PhD candidates can apply for funding to cover costs for going to conferences, seminars and workshops related to the strategic focus areas determined by the steering committee.
    • You can apply for maximum NOK 35 000 per activity.
    • Participations with presentations (oral / poster) are prioritized.
    • Researchers can apply for funding to invite guest researchers to UiB, maximum NOK 35 000, to cover travel and subsistence costs.
    • PhD candidates must have the approval of the supervisor.

    Category 2 – Field-course funds

    The call for 2021 includes field-course funds of up to NOK 3 000 000 for field-course activity until the end of 2023.

    Application criteria

    • Up to 2-page application related to the strategic focus areas. The application must contain a description of the field course, timetable, scope, budget proposal and in-kind. In-kind for students and any subsidies from other sources of funding must appear from a total budget for the field course.
    • Permanent scientific staff can apply for funding from this call. This means group A / permanent employees as employees in group B do not have field-course responsibility.
    • You can apply for developing new field courses.
    • Maximum NOK 300 000 can be applied for per field course.
    • Funds can be applied for to cover field-course costs (e.g., bus ticket, airfare, accommodation, rental car etc.).
    • The host institute / department must cover any overconsumption at the end of the project / field course.

    Application process:

    Application deadline: 1 September 2021.

    Link to the application database: https://fond.app.uib.no

    There is an application template in the database. The department must prioritize among the applications.

    Congratulations Dr. Mohamed

    MSc. Mohamed Alzaabi successfully completed the PhD defense on 1 July by defending his thesis Analysis of Polymer Injectivity in Porous Media.

    We congratulate Mohamed with the PhD degree and also the supervisors, principal supervisor Arne Skauge, (Energy Research Norway AS/KI) and the co-supervisors Øystein Pettersen (NORCE) and Sheadeh Masalmeh (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company).

    The press release is presented at UiB.no.

    Photo/Ill.: Abdul Majid Murad

    , 1. juli 2021. Category: Hendingar.

    Congratulations Dr. Alexander

    MSc. Alexander Westbye successfully completed the PhD defense on 23 June by defending his thesis Combined materials for calcium-copper chemical looping technology.

    We congratulate Alexander with the PhD degree and also the supervisors, principal supervisor Asunción Aranda, (Institute for Energy Technology) and the co-supervisors Pascal Dietzel (KI) and Luca di Felice (Eindhoven University of Technology).

    The press release is presented at UiB.no.

    Photo/Ill.: Alexander Westbye

    Congratulations Dr. Tri

    MSc. Tri Quang Bui successfully completed the PhD defense on 18 June by defending his thesis Salinity Gradient Energy Utilizing Polyelectrolyte Hydrogels.

    We congratulate Tri with the PhD degree and also the supervisors, principal supervisor Anna-Lena Kjøniksen (Østfold University College, HiOF) and the co-supervisors Wei Wang (KI) and Trine Eker Christoffersen (HiOF).

    The press release is presented at UiB.no.

    Photo/Ill.: Tri Quang Bui