Category: Hendingar

Kitchen chemistry with a pinch of culinary science

If you wonder whether you really need to temper the meat before cooking, whether the cake will collapse if you´re not careful when taking it out of the oven, or whether it is possible to make an apple pie without any apples, you need to attend the guest lecture by Erik Fooladi this Monday! Together with professor in food science Anu Hopia (University of Turku, Finland), Erik has written the popsci book «A Pinch of Culinary Science: Boiling an Egg Inside Out and Other Kitchen Tales». Cooking is chemistry, biology and physics, but also history, culture, identity and sensory experiences. In this lecture, Erik Fooladi will present the book as well as the thinking behind it. Through this book, the authors have sought to balance scientifc knowledge and thinking with craftsmanship knowledge and sensory experiences. This way, they hope to make cooking a bit more intriguing, the head a bit wiser, and perhaps the food a little better. And maybe it could even promote critical thinking? When: Monday February 12, at 14.15. Where: Auditorium 2, Realfagsbygget (Science Bldg).

The 600 is dead — long live the 600

One of the main working horses among our instruments, the old 600 MHz NMR instrument is now demounted and has left the building. Before the lump in your throat gets too big, remember that we have a powerful new 600 MHz machine at your disposal at NNP!

Festo disputerer

Doktorand Festo

Festo Kayima disputerer mandag 12. februar 2018  med avhandlingen: “Exploring chemistry teachers’ perspectives on questioning and providing a new way of analyzing teacher questions in science classrooms”

Tid og Sted: kl 10.30 i Auditorium 3.

Matthias Stadler har vært hovedveileder  og Erik Fooladi ved Høgskulen i Volda har vært biveileder.


Dr. Annette!

Last Friday, Annette Meland Johannessen successfully defended her thesis on Low Salinity Surfactant Flooding in Sandstone Cores . In the picture, Annette and first opponent sr. eng. John van Wunnik compare how the oil recovery rate is improved by flooding with low-salinity water alone (none!) and in combination with surfactants (considerably). Congratulations!

Promotion to PhD

Twice a year, newly graduated PhD candidates are promoted to doctors and receive the formal diploma to prove their hard-earned status. For Ina and Ole Johan, this event took place today. Congratulations!

Annette disputerer

Annette Meland Johannessen disputerer fredag 26. januar 2018 med avhandlingen: «Low Salinity Surfactant Flooding in Sandstone Cores».

Førsteamanuensis Kristine Spildo har vært hovedveileder og professor Arne Skauge har vært biveileder.

Basen – the new hang-out for chemistry BSc-students

Last Friday, the official opening of the dedicated hangout for BSc-students in the chemistry program took place. The new term to learn is Basen («the base»), fittingly relating freshman chemistry to social aspects. From the department point of view, strengthening the social fabric of the BSc-program will hopefully contribute to more students studying on-campus rather than off-campus, getting encouragement from peers, and succeeding in their studies. Instructors (PhDs, engineers, professors) are encouraged to stop by Basen when they see fit, to answer questions or simply say Hello! Basen is located at the ground floor of Realfagsbygget, next-door to the faculty administration.

Vijay disputerer!

Vijayaragavan Elumalai disputerer fredag den 19. januar med avhandlingen “Novel Synthetic Methodology and Total Syntheses of Highly Functionalized Carbazoles and Benzo[c]cinnolines.” Doktorgradsarbeidet ble utført i Faggruppe for organisk syntese og legemiddelkjemi med professor Hans-René Bjørsvik som veileder.

Doktorand Vijay

God jul!

Den tradisjonsrike Julelunsjen ved KI blei ei fin samlingsstund for tilsette, emeriti, pensjonistar og studentar, med rom for tilbake- og sideblikk, god mat og drøs, og nokre frampek. Takk til Bjarte, Solmaz, Milan, Jose, Frida, Helge og Unni, som stod for arrangementet, og til Kjersti for veggkunst!

Riktig god jul til alle som har (eller har hatt) Kjemisk institutt som arbeids- og studiestad!


Takk til Siri og Susanne for å glede mange med lussekattar på Luciadagen — nydelege bollar og eit flott initiativ!!

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