Category: Informasjon

Join the Horizons lecture on Tuesday 4 pm

The Horizons series is a lecture series for staff and students of The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and for all others that are interested in major scientific questions and/or challenges across disciplinary borders. You are hereby encouraged to spend an hour on Tuesday afternoon to learn about recent advances in the use of genomics to uncover our our distant history.

Eske Willerslev – Hunting the past with ancient genomics

How can ancient genomics be used to address questions of the deeper and more shallow past? Evolutionary geneticist Eske Willerslev will try to answer in the Horizon lecture. For more information, see here.

Time and place: Tuesday Oct 31, 4 pm, at Auditorium 1, Realfagbygget

Julebord / Christmas party 07.12.2017

Me ynskjer deg herved hjartleg velkomen til årets julebord ved Kjemisk Institutt, torsdag den 7. desember kl. 18:00 på Integrerbar

We would like to welcome you to this year’s Christmas party at the Department of Chemistry, on Thursday the 7th of December at 6 pm at Integrerbar.

ChemCave in the making


The attentive eye will notice that the sitting group has disappeared from outside the Chemistry Office and that the neighboring storage room is evacuated. Despair not; on Monday the process of transforming these empty square meters into a new social arena for the department is starting up. Until this process has come to completion, Monday 10 o´clock coffee will be served at the lunch room (3065).

Look up for predatory conferences


Many of you are aware of and shun predatory open access journals whose primary goal is to extract publication fees from academic authors. Less attention is given to predatory conferences, of low quality and set up for profit, although this is a growing market. In short, these companies issue a flow of invitations to act as speakers or chairs on a wide range of conferences. I have been invited, by the same organiser, to appear as prominent speaker on conferences devoted to specific subjects covering the full breadth of chemistry, pharmacy, nanotechnology and much of technology. The organiser in mind, (,, recently also chemistryconferences.*) tries out a new subject every month.

It gets worse. One of our colleagues recently received an invitation from this organiser, incorrectly issued in the name of one of her former associates. In this way, she was deceived into signing up for and traveling to this make-belief conference. You can read more about this in På høyden.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017

nobel2017_2The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017 was awarded to Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank and Richard Henderson «for developing cryo-electron microscopy for the high-resolution structure determination of biomolecules in solution». A readable account of the essence and importance of their work may be found here.



Sikresiden – new website with safety and security information


Sikresiden is a mobile-adapted website that provides information about safety and security and helps with what to do in an emergency.

Infrarødt spektroskopiprogram – kommer snart til en confuser nær deg.

Programmet OMNIC er nå klargjort av IT-avd for installasjon på klientdriftede maskiner, og skal snart finnes på datalabene i 1. etg.

Sjekk Software Center og fyr løs.

Vibrerende helsing Egil133px-asymmetrical_stretching

Flow chemistry

Early this year, the department got new instrumentation for flow chemistry. In the lunch seminar this week, Audun will give an introduction to the new technology, in his lecture over the self-chosen topic Enabling technologies: Flow Chemistry.


In more detail: The common laboratory glassware has in decades been the go-to tool for chemists, but it has restricted the way we conduct chemistry. New emerging technologies give the chemist improved control over reaction parameters. Flow chemistry enables new discoveries in multiple  branches of chemistry. The basic concepts of flow chemistry and its advantages are presented.  Resent developments in the field are highlighted

4D coordinates: Thursday Oct 5 at 12.15, at Tripletten (3069).

Digital Day for employees

All UiB employees are invited to participate in Digital Day in Grieghallen today, October 4th. There, UiB colleagues will present ongoing digitalization projects, tools and methods, and future digital solutions. digital_myldredag_uibno

The program consists of:

  • 20 stands from UiB groups presenting their digitalisation work
  • Talks from the stage (some in English)
  • UiB projects displayed on screens
  • Hands-on: tools and programs

No BTO-visit today

Despite today being the first Tuesday of the month, we will not enjoy the company of our local TT(Technology Transfer)-officer Elisabeth Silden, due to heavy load in connection to the imminent FORNY2020 deadline (Oct 11).

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