Category: Informasjon

One-day course for MSCA-IF applicants

The 2019 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Individual Fellowships (IF) call is now open. The call deadline is 11 September 2019.

UiB is organising a free one-day course for MSCA-IF applicants on the 28th of May 2019 from 09.00 – 16.00.

See link for program and registration.

Free innovation lunch for young researchers @KI

To all PhD’s and postdocs @ KI

This is an invitation to a free innovation lunch.

The course is open for PhD’s and postdocs at IFT and Dept. of chemistry only.

Date: Tuesday 21 May 2019. Time: 10:00 – 12:00.

Where: Thormøhlensgate 51, (VilVite 2nd floor)

Title: “How to make your research your future job?»

Course language: English

What should we do to create value, what expertise do we need in the future, and how can you, as a researcher, ensure that you are attractive in the job market?

At VIS (formerly BTO) you will learn about the innovation eco-system in Bergen and how you can utilize this network to promote your research. You will get insight to exciting projects as well as practical workshop in collaboration with other young researchers from IFT and KI.

Sign-up here for registration and lunch

Guest lecture, Monday May 13th at 13:15-14:00 in room 3069

You are all invited to a guest lecture on Monday May 13th at 13:15-14:00 in room 3069 (Tripletten)

Speaker: Dr. Prathama Mainkar, Council of Science and Industrial Research – Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR-IICT), Hyderabad, India.

Title: Drug discovery efforts at CSIR-IICT

Godt valg/ happy election

Kandidatene til nytt instituttråd er her :::>

The nominees for the department board:::>

Great Fun at the Bergen City Marathon Relay

Team Chemistry had great fun and represented the department and the faculty in the best of manners in the half-marathon relay competition during the Bergen City Marathon last Saturday. Those rising to the challenge and earning the credit for founding the relay tradition at the Chemistry department may be identified here:

In terms of statistics, Kjemisk placed 137 (193)  among the 276 (383) teams competing in the Mixed class (Men, Women and Mixed classes), at 1h 45′ 21″. More importantly, after the race the team members enjoyed refreshments at Casa Grung. While still benefiting from runners high (cf the molecule decorating the team jersey) the team was unanimous that one relay per year is too little! Our minds are set on the relay associated with Knarvikmila, scheduled to Saturday August 31. Anybody who wishes to join, please tell Inger Johanne.

Special thanks to Kristine for door-knocking and helping out, to Bjørn for catering & opening his home & coming up with a working communication plan, and to Giovanni for making the graphics for the team jersey.


Horizon Lecture Tuesday April 30

Title: «From energy storage in subsurface systems to flow processes in the brain» by prof. Rainer Helmig.

Time: Tuesday 30 April. Place: Egget, Student Centre (Parkveien 1).

See link for more information.

Brannalarm – evakuering 10. april

Brannalarmen i dag var en øvelse – i regi av eiendomsavdelingen.


The alarm today was a fire drill  – initiated by Estate and Facilities Management Division

Åpent møte om e-Infrastruktur ved MatNat

En arbeidsgruppe kartlegger status for e-Infrastruktur ved MN-fakultetet, med mål om å legge grunnlag for en best mulig ressursbruk framover. Med e-infrastruktur menes her både regne- og lagringskapasitet. I tillegg vil faglige støttetjenester regnes som en integrert del av e-infrastruktur. For å få et godt grunnlag til å utarbeide en rapport, arrangeres det et åpent informasjons- og innspillmøte for MN-fakultetet. Møtet holdes i Realfagbygget, Auditorium 3, torsdag 4. april 2019, kl. 13:15 – 15:00.

Inge Jonassen (CBI, II) presenterer først gruppens arbeid, før sjefingeniør Jan Kristian Walde Johnsen (It-avd) informerer om It-avdelingens tjenester som støtter forskning. Deretter åpen diskusjon og innspill til arbeidsgruppens arbeid.

Bengt Erik møter ei Global samfunnsutfordring

Eitt av UiB sine tre satsingsområder er Globale samfunnsutfordringer. I januar 2019 inviterte leiinga for satsingsområdet, fagmiljøa ved UiB til å sende inn skisser til tverrfakultære forskningsprosjekt for å konkurrere om to 4-årige PhD-stillingar.

Av 14 innsendte skisser var prosjektet leia av Bengt Erik Haug, med Ruth Brenk (Inst. for biomedisin) og Jarl Underhaug som partnarar, plukka ut som vinnar. Tittelen på prosjektet er Addressing the Global Challenges on Antimicrobial Resistance with Inhibitors of bacterial fatty acid synthesis. Prosjektet vil bruke Bergensnodane av tre nasjonale infrastrukturarar: Nor-OpenScreen, NorCryst og Norwegian NMR Platform (NNP). Gratulerer til Bengt Erik & Co og lukke til med prosjektet!

Today – extended TCLS

«News from the Research Council – focus on need-to-know for all applications”. This applies to all researchers planning to apply for funding in 2019 or 2020.

Program today:
12:15 – 12:45    RCN new evaluation panels and application processing, Q&A, Vibeke Irgan
12:45 – 12:00    Budget in RCN applications, Linda Emdal
13:00 – 13:30    RCN evaluation criteria Excellence, Impact and Implementation, Cecilie Evjen

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