(TCLS= Thursday Chemistry Lunch Seminar: 12.15-13 @ Tripletten
For ALL employees at the Chemistry Department!
Generate a data management plan for a Life Science research project that will meet the requirements of the Research Council of Norway.
Time and place: Apr. 4, 2022 9:00 AM–Apr. 5, 2022 1:00 PM, online
Centre for Digital Life Norway is pleased to announce the Data Management planning workshop for Life Scientists in Norway by ELIXIR Norway and Digital Life Norway.
All projects that receive funding from the Norwegian RCN are required to submit a data management plan as soon as possible after the contract with the RCN has been signed. All Norwegian universities now also require a DMP for all projects. This workshop focuses on how-to generate a data management plan for a Life Science research project that will meet the requirements of the RCN.
They invite researchers (PhD candidates, Post Doctoral Fellows, Researchers, Associate Professors and Professors) in existing and upcoming Life Science projects to develop their DMP in this workshop.
Maximum number of participants: 45.
The workshop will take place if there is at least 10 participants.
Read more about the program and register before 31 March 2022 here.
UiB FERD Career Center for Early Stage Researchers offers courses in Risk Management in research projects for PhD candidates and young researchers.
The course will help you as a project manager or project participant to understand and plan research projects to minimize risk and ensure good implementation.
Please, see this webpage for general information about the courses and to register for the course.
For PhDs: 16.3.22 at 09.00-11.30. Reg. deadline: 10.3.22 at 12.00.
For young researchers: 26.4.22 at 09.00-11.30. Reg. deadline: 20.4.22 at 12.00.
Hello to everybody!
My name is Marcello Costamagna and I come from a small town in northwest Italy.
I received my bachelor’s at the University of Padova, mostly focusing on physical and computational chemistry. For my master’s, I then moved to Pisa where I picked up the physical chemistry curriculum. For my master’s thesis, I chose the topic of carbon capture and storage (CCS). As it was a completely new topic for me, it has been a great opportunity to challenge myself in doing research, improving my lab skills, and having fruitful collaborations, in particular with a group at the University of Perugia where I also worked for a few weeks.
And now, I am happy to be part of the Jensen group at this University. My Ph.D. will focus on the development of the DeNoptim software and its applications, and it will involve close collaboration with the informatics department.
Meltzer Research Fund has made additional funds available this year, and the university has now released an extraordinary call for applications.
The funding database will open on 14 February, and scientific staff can then apply to cover costs in the following categories:
- Small research infrastructure. Up to NOK 200,000.
- Minor research funds. Up to NOK 100,000.
- Organizing scientific conferences, workshops etc. Up to NOK 200,000.
Please read carefully the instructions and find the application form here.
Deadline: 18 March 2022
I was born and raised in a small village called Juankoski in the North-Eastern parts of the Finnish lake district. The village was socially an interesting place, as it had just 2000 inhabitants, but two rather large factories, and was surrounded by tens of kilometers of just forest, lakes, and small farms. I really liked growing up there, and still have a cabin (and two saunas) on a half-a-hectare island 5 kilometers from the center of Juankoski, where I like to go as often as possible.
For university I moved to Helsinki, to study in Helsinki University of Technology, where I obtained my PhD in Theoretical and Computational Physics. After that I moved to Berlin, where I did post docs in groups doing Biochemistry and Theoretical Physics, and then was a group leader at the MPI of Colloids and Interfaces for 4 years before moving to Bergen.
My scientific peculiarity is my interest in Open Science, which I have been exercising for the last 9+ years in the NMRlipids Project (nmrlipids.blogspot.fi). Outside of science, you might enjoy knowing the three fascinating factoids that (1) I have published a bunch of comic strips describing the life of a rabbit, who moves to Helsinki from the North-Eastern parts of the Finnish lake district; (2) I have two furless cats; and (3) my wife is a chef, so I am forced to regularly fine-dine so she can stay up-to-date of what is going on in the culinary world.
Det ble søkt om nesten 21 milliarder kroner til Forskerprosjekt-utlysningene som hadde frist 2. februar. Nå kan du se hvilke søknader som er sendt inn.
The call for seeking funding from the Akademia Agreement is open.
Full call text (in Norwegian only).
Please be advised to read the call text thoroughly about the targets for use of seed money to apply for external funding.
Who can apply:
- Vitenskapelige ansatte i førstestillinger (kombinerte stillinger som innehar en forskningsdel), forskere (kode 1109, 1110, 1183), og postdoktorer ved UiB.
- Vitenskapelige ansatte må være ansatt i minimum 50% ved UiB.
- Postdoktorer må ha en 100% ansettelse ved UiB, og må vise til ansettelse ved UiB 2 år frem i tid for å kunne søke.
Application deadline: 25 February.
Link to the application database: fond.app.uib.no
Forskningsrådet lyste i 2021 ut forskningsmidler i kategorien nyskapende teknologiprosjekter, som omfatter radikalt nyskapende prosjekter som kombinerer IKT, nanoteknologi og bioteknologi. Prosjektet iCat4Bio, ledet av Vidar R. Jensen, ble innvilget som ett av to prosjekter ved UiB.
Les mer om prosjektet Integrated Catalyst Discovery for Biotechnology her: Kombinerer fagfelt i innovative prosjekter | Aktuelt | UiB
UiB idé gives employees and students the opportunity to apply for support to test and develop good innovation ideas.
The maximum funding amount is NOK 500,000 for researcher projects, and NOK 100,000 for student projects. The application deadline is the 15th of March 2022.
Join the information webinar about UiB idé on the 7th of February 10.30 AM to get the most out of your application. This event is for both students and researchers.
Students with their own ideas, or who wishes to join others to develop a project, can register for the UiB idé vors on the 14th of February at 16.00 PM, which will also include food and drinks at the end.
Read all about UiB idé and apply here.
Where: Science Library
When: Thursdays at 14:15