(TCLS= Thursday Chemistry Lunch Seminar: 12.15-13 @ Tripletten
  • For ALL employees at the Chemistry Department!
  • Congrats on successful Summer School!

    Summer School 2022 – Computational Molecular Design —  9th – 11th May 2022, Bergen 🇳🇴

    The 2022 NordCO2 Summer School was organised by UiB around the theme of “Computational molecular Design” and ran across 3 days with lectures and exercise sessions conducted and given by a group of dedicated Lecturers:

    • Pr. Vidar R. Jensen (UiB)
    • Dr. Marco Foscato (UiB)
    • Pr. David Balcells (UiO)
    • Jonas Ekeli (UiB)
    • Simen Reine (UiO)

    This summer school is one of a string of events in The Nordic Consortium for CO2 Conversion (NordCO2, funded by NordForsk through the Nordic University Hub call), which is a network for Nordic researchers working on chemical CO2 conversion in the Nordic countries. NordCO2 promotes knowledge exchange, initiates novel scientific collaborations, jointly trains Nordic students and organizes outreach activities.

    Horizon Europe Inspiration Workshop

    Welcome to Horizon Europe Inspiration Workshop – a follow-up event to the Info Day in January 2022.

    13.05.2022, at 09.30-15.00. Scandic Hotell Ørnen.

    All UiB researchers are welcome to this event.

    The programmme begins with a brief overview of the different types of funding available for research, innovation, career and networking in Horizon Europe and Erasmus + and how to find them.

    Researchers and research advisers from UiB share their experiences in talks and panel debates on network building, team building and proposal writing.

    Mingling sessions: Throughout the day, there will be open stations where researchers can get advice and help from research advisers to find funding opportunities within their research field or interest, or ask questions about Horizon Europe and Erasmus +.

    Preliminary programme and registration (deadline 10.05.22 at 12.00).

    Nanoteknologi for fremtiden og klima

    Foto/ill.: Pixabay, https://www.uib.no/ub/150614/nanoteknologi-fremtiden-og-klima

    Populærvitenskapelig foredrag i biblioteket


    I dette foredraget, vil førsteamanuensis Martin Møller Greve fra Institutt for fysikk og teknologi gi en introduksjon til hva nanoteknologi er. Han vil ta for seg noen dagsaktuelle eksempler som demonstrerer viktigheten til nanoteknologi for å løse teknologiske og forskningsmessige problemer og se på muligheter for nyvinninger og løsninger innen klima og energi. Foredraget blir avsluttet med ett blikk på forskning som blir gjort ved UiB for å forbedre effektiviteten til solceller.

    Arrangementet varer omtrent ca. 30-45 minutter og det blir enkel servering av kaffe og kjeks. Alle er hjertelig velkommen!

    Tid og sted

    21.04.2022 – 14.1515.00
    Bibliotek for matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fag, Realfagsbygget

    OPPLEV på Marineholmen 23. april

    Lørdag 23. april skal det myldre på Marineholmen i Bergen. Universitetet i Bergen har fylt 75 år, og vi er opptatt av de neste 75 årene.

    Velkommen til festival i området rundt VilVite!


    Les mer om program og hva du kan oppleve her

    Forseinka velkomen til Angeliki!

    Hello world,

    My name is Angeliki Barouti, or just Lina, and I come from the beautiful island of Crete in Greece. I was always impressed by the diverse flora and fauna of my country and how they contribute to both the ecosystem and peoples’ lives. This led me to not only keep buying tons of plants but also to Pharmacy school at the National Kapodistrian University of Athens. The field that intrigued me the most was the Natural Products domain where I carried out my thesis. After completing my BSc, I undertook an MSc in Medicinal Natural Products and Phytochemistry at University College London where I dug into more aspects of Pharmacognosy.

    Now, I am still looking forward to contributing to the research on natural products. I am very happy I did a swift to marine natural products and I can dive more into this under-explored source of new chemicals.

    I am joining Monica Jordheim’s research group here at the Chemistry Department and Lars Herfindal’s group in the Department of Clinical Science. I am working on a very interesting, interdisciplinary project about marine bioprospecting. I focus on the chemical analysis and bio-guided fractionation, targeting high-value products from marine algae and epiphytes.

    I find very fascinating the field of ethnopharmacology and the ethical dilemmas about bioprospecting so if you feel like wanting to learn more about these or my work let me know!! Cheers, Lina

    , mars 23, 2022. Category: Person.

    Invitation to seminar: UiB AI #2 But, why? – Make AI answer- 8 April at 10 a.m.

    The UiB AI Steering Group welcomes you to a seminar on April 8th at 10 am in the University Aula.  The seminar lasts until 11:30 and there will be lunch and discussions 11:30-12:00.

    This is the second in a series of seminars on artificial intelligence at UiB. The seminars will be a meeting point across departments and fields of research, where different examples on the use of AI in research will be presented.

    On April 8th Samia Touileb and Ghazaal Sheikhi from MediaFutures (Department of Information Science and Media Studies) will talk about how AI sees the world and makes the decisions that shapes it.

    Since participation is physical and we will order food, we ask all participants to register via the link on the seminar web page. You will find more information about the seminar and registration link here:

    UiB AI #2 But, why? – make AI answer! | UiB AI | UiB

    Registration deadline: 06.04.2022 – 12.00.

    Sivilingeniørstudentene i Medisinsk teknologi blogger om praksis i bedrift


    Dette semesteret har sivilingeniørstudentene i Medisinsk Teknologi fått prøve seg i det splitter nye praksisemnet vårt MTEK200. Gjennom praksisutplasseringen skal studentene få innsikt i arbeidslivet og en praktisk forståelse av arbeidsprosesser innen et bredt spekter av virksomheter med relevans til medisinsk teknologi.

    Som en del av de obligatoriske undervisningsaktivitetene skal studentene publisere to blogginnlegg hver. Nå har de aller første innleggene blitt publisert og vi er spent på å lese om hvordan praksisen har gått.

    Er dere nysgjerrige på hva studentene har jobbet med og hvor de har fått praksisplass? Ta turen innom praksisbloggen da vel!

    Bloggen finner dere her.