Month: mars 2016

Velkomen Frida!


Frida Johanne Lundevall vart nyleg tilsett som stipendiat i organisk syntese med Hans-René Bjørsvik som rettleiar. Ho skal arbeide med metodeutvikling og syntese av cytotoksiske sambindingar og positronemisjonstomografi (PET) ”tracers” med imidazol som utgangspunkt. Frida Johanne har teke heile utdanning si ved UiB og leverte masteroppgåva våren 2015. Masteroppgåva omhandla synteser av syklopropaner og vart gjort under rettleiing av Leiv Sydnes.

, mars 30, 2016. Category: Person.

Velkomen til Elvira!

ElviraElvira García de Jalón Viñegra ansettes som stipendiat i galenisk farmasi med arbeidssted ved Klinisk institutt 2 (MOFA) og Kjemisk institutt. Elvira skal jobbe med syntese og evaluering av peptider og biologiske biomarkører merket med fluoriserende prober for anvendelse innen molekylær avbildning av kreft. Elvira har bachelor grad i kjemi fra Universitetet i Barcelona og mastergrad i kjemi fra UiB i 2015. Veiledere under ph.d.-studiet er Emmet Mc Cormack (K2) og Bengt Erik Haug.


, mars 30, 2016. Category: Person.

Ole Johan hits the front page!

Juvik 2016 Phytochemistry Reviews 15 161-195[1]

Congrats to Ole Johan and his co-authors for making it to the front page with their paper on Growing with dinosaurs: natural products from the Cretaceous relict Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu & Cheng—a molecular reservoir from the ancient world with potential in modern medicine. Ole Johan Juvik, Xuan Hong Thy Nguyen, Heidi Lie Andersen & Torgils Fossen, Phytochem Rev (2016) 15:161-195. DOI 10.1007/s11101-015-9395-3

25. mai kl 13.00 Søknadsfrist FRINATEK


Med mindre enn to månader til søknadsfristen er dette tida å starte arbeidet med ein konkurransedyktig søknad til FriPro-programmet. Sjå her for informasjon om kva som er nytt av året. Informer på eit tidleg stadium Aase og Knut om intensjonen om å søke. Frå instituttleiinga si side blir det lagt opp til å gi utvalde prosjekt (så mange som kapasiteten tillet) tilbod om støttestruktur ved søknadsutforming.

Deadline: Abstract for EuCheMS 6CC


Deadline for submission of abstracts to the 6th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress is April 1. More information here.

2 Vacancies at the Dept. of Chemistry

Pcropped-dhe002_17.09.2013_15_18_14_0.jpgostdoctoral Fellow in experimentally based modelling of colloid transport in porous media.

The position is for a period of 3 years and is associated with the EPOCH project (funded by Statoil through the Academia agreement). In this project, chemists and mathematicians will work together to ensure that the development of the modular simulation tool is suitably anchored to experimentally observed physicochemical pore scale phenomena. For more information, see hereApplication deadline: 1 April 2016.


Research fellow (PhD candidate) in computational catalysis and molecular design

The position is for four years (including teaching duties) and is connected to an interdisciplinary project, funded by the Research Council of Norway, on the development of homogeneous catalysts for the conversion of lignin-derived bio-oil to biofuel. For more information, see hereApplication deadline: 8 April 2016.

Gruppe B – Valg til Universitets- og Fakultetsstyret

universitetsstyretDet skal velges ny representant for gruppe B (midlertidig vitenskapelig tilsatte) til Universitetsstyret. Den som velges blir valgt for ett år, med virkning fra 1. august 2016, og vervet er betalt. Se her for mer informasjon. Til orientering skal det også velges en representant for gruppe B til fakultetsstyret for samme periode – ta kontakt med Ass. fakultetsdirektør Kristin Bakken for ytterligere informasjon.

Dette er viktige verv som det erfaringsmessig er lite konkurranse om. En av årsakene er at det er vanskelig å nå ut med informasjon til gruppen. I tillegg til at det er viktige verv for institusjonen, kan det også være gunstig å ha denne type organisatorisk/strategisk erfaring  på CV-en.

Opplæring i og prøveperiode for PatentPak — tillegg til SciFinder

patentpak_web_banner Etter godt initiativ og god innsats frå Giovanni er det klar for 2-vekers prøvebruk av PatentPak, som er eit tillegg til SciFinder.

«PatentPak is a rapid way of getting directly to the chemical information at the location in the patent (and we know that these can often be very long). There are several youtube videos on PatentPak. Please have a look «

Excerpts from email by Ingunn Rødland, Science Library UiB:

From April 1st UiB will have a 2 week trial for PatentPak, a  patent workflow solution available in SciFinder.

On that occasion, Christian Skotte, representing Chemical Abstracts Service,  will give a training session on this tool at the Department of Chemistry. The session is open for all  interested UiB employees.

Date: Tuesday April 5th,  10:15-12:00

Place: room  3069 (Tripletten)

For more information on PatentPak, you can take a look at this site:

Pleased to welcome post doc Anamitra!


Dr. Anamitra Chatterjee is recently hired as a postdoctoral fellow for two years in Vidar’s group, on the so-called Idelab-project. This is an interdisciplinary project on the use of lipids from microalgae as feedstock for value-adding chemical processes and is funded by the Research Council of Norway. The chemical part of the project aims to develop new and improved organometallic catalysts for the transformation of lipid fatty acids to alpha olefins, focusing on reactions such as decarbonylative dehydration and catalysts based on late transition metals. Development of catalysts will be aided by computational predictions performed by PhD student Sondre (hired 2014).

Anamitra will be responsible for synthesis and testing of catalysts. He recently finished his PhD in catalysis from University of Basel, Switzerland (2011 – 2015) under supervision of Prof. Thomas Ward. The topic of his PhD thesis was «C-C bond-forming reactions using artificial metalloenzymes based on biotin-streptavidin technology». Anamitra is from West Bengal, India,  and earned his master degree in chemistry  in organic synthesis with Prof. Irishi Namboothiri at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India (2009 – 2011).

, mars 22, 2016. Category: Person.

Welcome to Hajar!


Hajar Nsiri is a new PhD student in the Nanomodeling and theoretical chemistry group. The working title of her PhD project is «Transition-metal catalyzed CO2/epoxide copolymerization. Mechanistic insight and prediction from molecular-level calculations», supervised by Vidar (principal supervisor) and Erwan (co-supervisor). The PhD-project is part of the highly interdisciplinary project GreenCAT – «Design of Green Catalysts for the Conversion of Renewable Resources into Polymers», funded by the Research Council of Norway and with Erwan as the project manager. The goal is to develop transition metal catalysts for polymerization of CO2.

Hajar holds a master degree in organic synthesis and chemistry of bio-active molecules from the University Claude Bernard (Lyon, France). In her master project she worked on the relation between ligand structure/Activity/Polymer microstructure for the copolymerization of ethylene/butadiene by neodymocene complexes using quantum-chemical density functional theory (DFT) calculations.

, mars 22, 2016. Category: Person.
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