Winning the annual HSE award
At the faculty-wide HSE seminar earlier this month, the Dept of Chemistry was awarded the HSE prize for 2022, on account of our continuous and systematic work related to the labeling and waste management of chemicals.
Photo: Christel Krossøy/UiB
The award committee, consisting of dean Gunn Mangerud, chief safety representative Ann-Elise Olderbakk Jordal, faculty director Elisabeth Müller Lysebo and HSE coordinator Christel Krossøy, see this as an important and timely initiative that shows HSE in practice, and which has good potential for transfer to the other institutes. The committee also commends the institute for writing a well-developed and descriptive application.
Head of department Knut Børve at the Department of Chemistry is delighted with the award: The award focuses on good routines for the storage, labeling and waste management of chemicals, which is important for the physical working environment in many departments both within and beyond the MN faculty. At the Department of Chemistry, this is high on the agenda, well driven by our HSE coordinator Lisbeth Glærum and long-standing health and safety representative Reidun Myklebust. We are happy for the recognition that the HSE award gives, and for the opportunity to inspire other departments to carry out an annual waste disposal campaign for chemicals.
A full account in Norwegian may be found here: