Category: Hendingar

NKS inviterer: Periodesystemet for alle

 I 2019 skal vi feire at det er 150 år siden det aller første periodesystemet. 

Kjemikere og andre naturvitere trenger ingen forklaring på hvorfor FN har gjort 2019 til periodesystemets år. Men hva med humanistene og samfunnsviterne? Journalist og forfatter Eivind Torgersen har et bein i hver leir og vil fortelle hvordan skal vi snakke med dem om grunnstoffer og om det periodiske system uten å vekke gammelt ubehag og vonde minner om matteangst og dårlige naturfagkarakterer!  

Påmelding her eller til

Velkommen i Auditorium 3  den 19. mars kl.18.



Still available spots at ERC course

Time: Wednesday 13 March 9:00 – 15:00

Place: Hotell Ørnen

Free attendance and lunch.

Key topics: ERC basics, hypothesis for ERC, how to write, evaluation process, and more.

Registration deadline: 8 March. See more info and registration link.

Writing course with PhDs and postdocs from KI

Several PhDs and postdocs from KI attended the course «Project proposals for dummies» this week.

Great effort from all – and contributions to creative workshops and proposal ideas!

«Science of Synthesis» @KI

Mr. Uwe Stehle from Thieme will visit us next week to give a demonstration of “Science of Synthesis”.

Time: Wednesday 6 March at 13:00. Place: Reagensglasset

Info meeting – Mobility Grants

The University of Bergen (UiB) and The Research Council of Norway (NFR) is organising an information meeting course on the NFRs Mobility Program 2019.

Time: 20 February, 9:00 – 13:00. See link here.

Target group
This course only applies to the Mobility grants announced by NFR with deadline 10.04.2019. You will also
receive information on How to apply to the European Commission’s Horizon2020 MSCA IF 2019 (Mobility
grants) call with deadline in September 2019.

The course is open to everyone at UiB with up to a maximum of 7 years after the defense of an approved
doctorate (PhD) who wants some «international experience». It is also possible to apply before you have
submitted your PhD dissertation.

Social event Friday 1 February

Friday 1 February the brewmasters will gather KI for a social event with homemade refreshments!

Meet in Reagensglasset @5pm tonight.

Søknadsskrivekurs på UiB

When: Tuesday 12 February and Wednesday 13 February.

Registration link – still a few spots available (announced 11 February)!

For who: all scientists planning to write a project proposal (this includes NRC as well).

Where: Studentsenteret, Seminarrom C.

See more information about the course here.


Congrats, Dr. Alette!

Alette Løbø Viken successfully defended her thesis today, on «Viscosity and Viscoelastic Properties in Hydrophobically Modified Polymers for Enhanced Oil Recovery». Once again, prof. em. George Francis provided a much appreciated service to the department by leading the event with a firm yet gentle hand. We congratulate the freshly minted doctora!

Kristof Vlaeminck will visit Chemistry

UiB’s man in Brussels, Kristof Vlaeminck, will visit Department of Chemistry next Thursday 24 January. He will update us on the next Horizon Europe framework program, and guide us through a strategic prosess toward influencing the next framework program.

«It is my task to help the university leadership and the UiB researchers understand Horizon 2020 and guide them in making strategic choices«.

Alette disputerer

MSc Løbø Viken

Alette Løbø Viken disputerer fredag 25. januar 2019 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlinga: «Viscosity and Viscoelastic Properties in Hydrophobically Modified Polymers for Enhanced Oil Recovery». Hurra!

Tid og sted er kl. 10:30 i Stort auditorium på Høyteknologisenteret

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