Category: Hendingar

Join us for a social Friday with beer @ KI

This Friday May 31 the brewmasters will gather KI for a social event with homemade refreshments!

Meet in Reagensglasset @5pm.

Friday: two lectures in organic chemistry

The coming Friday (May 24th), there will be two lectures in organic chemistry by colleagues from the University of Alicante, Spain.

At 10:15 Professor Carmen Najera will give a lecture on «1,3-Dipolar cycloadditions of azomethine ylides and nitroalkanes».

At 13:15, Professor Miguel Yus will talk about «Asymmetric synthesis with chiral N-sulfinyl imines».

Both lectures will be in room 3069. Everybody is heartly welcome.

Leiv K. Sydnes

Kunnskapseplet: Popular Science talks in the Library 23 May

MAX IV opens for general users

Opportunity: Check out what MAX IV («Max four») can do for your research — attend the lecture by Stephen Molloy this Friday (May 24), Auditorium B (Allegaten 66) at 14.15!

MAX IV Laboratory is a Swedish national laboratory providing scientists with the most brilliant X-rays for research, located in Lund and easily accessible from Bergen via Copenhagen. As indicated by the name, this is the fourth generation of synchrotron radiation facilities in Lund, Sweden, and it also represents the fourth generation of technology for producing extremely brilliant, collimated and coherent X-rays by way of electron storage rings.

Researchers from all over the world come to MAX IV to perform experiments using synchrotron x-rays at various beamline experimental stations that operate 24 hours a day, six days a week. Each experimental station is designed and specialized for a certain type of experiment. A “user” is someone who has been granted access (“beamtime”) to use a beamline at a synchrotron facility through a peer-reviewed proposal system. Access is granted based on academic merits and free of charge, under the condition that all results are timely disseminated into the academic public. The first upcoming deadline for general users to apply for beam time is 17 September 2019. There are at present 16 beamlines funded for research covering a wide range of scientific areas and photon energy ranges. An overview of beamlines and techniques that are available to general users may be found here. The beamline portfolio is expected to continue to grow up to around 30 beamlines in 2026.

When completed, it is expected that MAX IV Laboratory will receive more than 2000 individual researchers annually to carry out experiments in a variety of disciplines including surface science, semiconductor physics, materials science, atomic and molecular physics, chemistry, biology, cultural heritage, and medicine. Their research will be offered world-class performance beamlines at the MAX IV Laboratory. The synchrotron radiation from the two storage rings covers the wavelength range from the far infrared through the UV, VUV, soft x-ray up to the hard x-ray range using radiation from bending magnets or insertion devices. Among the techniques used at these beamlines are: VUV and soft x-ray electron spectroscopy and microscopy, soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, x-ray fluorescence, x-ray absorption spectroscopy and different x-ray diffraction and scattering techniques.

Free innovation lunch for young researchers @KI

To all PhD’s and postdocs @ KI

This is an invitation to a free innovation lunch.

The course is open for PhD’s and postdocs at IFT and Dept. of chemistry only.

Date: Tuesday 21 May 2019. Time: 10:00 – 12:00.

Where: Thormøhlensgate 51, (VilVite 2nd floor)

Title: “How to make your research your future job?»

Course language: English

What should we do to create value, what expertise do we need in the future, and how can you, as a researcher, ensure that you are attractive in the job market?

At VIS (formerly BTO) you will learn about the innovation eco-system in Bergen and how you can utilize this network to promote your research. You will get insight to exciting projects as well as practical workshop in collaboration with other young researchers from IFT and KI.

Sign-up here for registration and lunch

Sandwich Course: Experimental Techniques in Drug Discovery

Would you like to expand your experimental vocabulary, cross borders into neighbouring disciplines, or gain some experimental experience to complement your computational skills? We invite PhD candidates and postdocs from the life sciences to take part in a one-week hands-on course featuring a blend of experimental techniques from multiple disciplines in the life sciences, that are particularly relevant for drug discovery projects.

What makes this course special is not necessarily the nature of the experimental tasks themselves, but the context in which you will perform them; accompanied by colleagues from other areas of the life sciences than your own, you will get a chance to solve relevant tasks in teams with other young researchers with a variety of backgrounds, within a course context where we focus on how we can best communicate between disciplines and how we can develop transdisciplinary skills – skills that we believe are essential for the success of the biochemists, molecular biologists, computational biologists and organic- and medicinal chemists of tomorrow.

We will teach you how to make peptides, how to biophysically evaluate their interaction with proteins or enzymes, as well as how to analyze and visualize these interactions with molecular modelling tools.

Homepage/Registration (Travel and accomodation expenses are reimbursed for DLN members). Deadline June 10.

This 2-ECTS course is taught in English, runs over 5 days (17th-21st of June, 2019) at the University of Bergen, and is limited to 15 participants.

Organizers/teachers: Christoph Bauer –,  Fahimeh Khorsand –,  Zeeshan Muhammad –, and Åsmund Kaupang –


Invitation to Master’s Ceremony 2019

Foto: Thor Brødreskift

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences invites students who have completed or will complete a master’s degree in the academic year 2018/19 to the Master’s Ceremony, on the 6th of June, 2:30-4:00 PM, in the University Aula, Muséplass 3. The Master’s Ceremony is a celebration of all candidates, with speeches and music and a reception afterwards. Each candidate can invite two guests. In addition, and most noteworthy, the supervisors are also warmly invited to attend the ceremony, subject to their own registration.

The registration deadline is May 24, using this link. For more information, go here.

, 9. mai 2019. Category: Hendingar.

Guest lecture, Monday May 13th at 13:15-14:00 in room 3069

You are all invited to a guest lecture on Monday May 13th at 13:15-14:00 in room 3069 (Tripletten)

Speaker: Dr. Prathama Mainkar, Council of Science and Industrial Research – Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR-IICT), Hyderabad, India.

Title: Drug discovery efforts at CSIR-IICT

Brewmasters @KI is improving

Thank you all for a nice social gathering last Friday @Reagensglasset.

The company and the homebrewed result was impeccable.

Doctor Degree Award Ceremony

Twice a year, the achievements of the newly educated doctores at the University of Bergen are highlighted and celebrated at the Doctoral degree award ceremony taking place in the Aula. For the Spring semester, this ceremony took place on Friday, with one graduate from the Chemistry department receiving her diploma: Alette Løbø Viken.

Photo: Thor Brødreskift

Her former supervisor (Doctor parent) and Leader of PhD-education at our department, Kristine Spildo, was present to add significance and share the fruition of their collaboration. If you missed the ceremony yet are curious about it, you may want to take a look at the video (you’ll find Alette some 43 minutes into the movie).


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