Category: Informasjon
Inauguration of EnergyLab, HealthLab, and HTE@UiB Laboratory for automated chemistry
Dear colleagues,
On Tuesday September 5, time has finally come for the official opening of the new chemistry laboratories at the 4thfloor of the Science Bldg😊
With EnergyLab, HealthLab, and HTE@UiB Laboratory for automated chemistry, the Department of Chemistry move into state-of-the-art research laboratories for the benefit of students, staff and collaborators in research and Innovation. This opens up a number of new possibilities and is well worth highlighting and celebrating! The department’s employees in all categories are cordially welcome to participate in the celebration and at the same time to add their contribution to the commemoration, e.g. during the lab tour.
- Welcome by dean Gunn Mangerud
- Congratulations from rector Margareth Hagen, real estate director Kjartan Nesset, head of department Knut Børve and mayor Linn Kristin Engø
- Cord cutting by the mayor and rector
- Cake and mingling
- Tour in/around the new chemistry laboratories
Time and place: Sep 5 at 13.00-14.00, in the assembly area outside the main elevators at the 4th floor.
Pop-sci’cles at the University Museum: Ludvik, Illimar, and medicinal chemistry
Our wonderful world – young scientists tell
Research is to be open, accessible and responsible. Popular science dissemination plays a decisive role in engaging society in research. Join us and enjoy research from Digital Life Norway at the University Museum in Bergen! This evening the floor is left to a group of young researchers who explore our wonderful world and use biotechnology to find innovative solutions to today’s major societal challenges. Among those are Ludvik Olav Espeland, who is pursuing a PhD at our department, and dr. Illimar Rekand, who shared his research time between Dept Biomedicine and Dept Chemistry as he obtained his PhD.
Time and place: Sep. 6, 2023 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM, Universitetsmuseet i Bergen (Forhandlingsrommet)
Master exams this and the following weeks
All our master exams include the candidates presenting their projects and project results. These presentation are open to everybody to attend and you are hereby encouraged to do so when it fits in! Here is a list of presentations coming up this and the following weeks:
Mohanad Lotfi Abdallah (Nanoscience) presents his thesis: “Anti-icing Properties of ZnO surfaces prepared via Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering Compared to a Bare Aluminium Surface with Native Oxide” 19th of June at 09:00 at room 366 in the building of Physics (Allégaten 55)
Eivind Adams Amofah (Integrated Teacher Programme in Science and Mathematics) presents his thesis: “En kvalitativ studie av samtaler mellom elever, og elever og lærer i utforskende arbeid i kjemi” 19th of June at 10:00 in auditorium 3.
Linnea Frang (Medical Technology) presents her thesis: “The Heart as an Organ at Risk inRadiation Therapy of Locally Advanced Non Small Cell Lung Cancer” 19th of June at 10:00 in 3069 (Tripletten)
Thea Våge (Medical Technology) presents her thesis: “Glioma Microstructure Modeling from Diffusion MRI: A Self-Supervised Deep Learning Approach “on 20th of June at 10:15 in room 292 in the building of Physics (Allégaten 55)
Suzette Denisse Pacheco Lara (Pharmacy) presents her thesis “Påvirkning av stabilisator i phytantriol- baserte kubosomer og dens potensielle anvendelse som intravenøs levering av lumefantrin” on 20th of June at 10:00 in room 3069 (Tripletten)
Roschin Abdullah (Pharmacy) presents her thesis: Påvirkning av stabilisator i Glyserol monooleat kubosomer og deres potensielle anvendelse for legemiddellevering av lumefantrine» on 20h of June at 13:00 in room 3069 (Tripletten)
Synnøve Hodnekvam (Medical Technology) presents her thesis: “A developed 3(4) step synthesis strategy for radiolabeling Flumazenil with carbon-11 in the carbonyl position and establishment of a process for [11C]-methylation of Flumazenil” 21st of June at 13:00 in room 3069 (Tripletten)
Hedda Vik Askeland (Chemistry) presents her thesis “Molecular Dynamics Studies on the Lipid Transfer Protein – STARD11” on 29th of June at 14:00 in Auditorium 3.
Kasper Bratteng Strandengen (Chemistry) presents his thesis “Multivariate calibration for qNMR of sugars in aqueous solution and application on samples from thermochemical conversion of fruit waste” on 29th of June at 10:00 in room 3069 (Tripletten)
Alfred Abbasi (Medical Technology) presents his thesis: “Hardware and Software Studies for the Alignment of the Proton CT” 3rd of July at 10:15 in room 546, Allégaten 55.
Brave mountaineers – a travelogue
A small yet dedicated delegation set off from mount Ulriken Sunday morning @10. The conditions were perfect, with crystal blue skies and wind speed nothing but a light breeze. The pace was comfortable, and companionship excellent. As for wildlife, only a few ravens were spotted in addition to lots of sheep, but they were not very wild. We enjoyed our lunch next to the picturesque Tarlebøvannet, and had a short pitstop at Brushytten for ice cream and refreshments. Finally, we reached Fløyen around 15:00.
Hopefully more will join on the next hike, and in particular our fixed-term colleagues from out of town, like PhDs and Postdocs.
Master presentations June 12.-16.
All our master exams include the candidates presenting their projects and project results. These presentation are open to everybody to attend and you are hereby encouraged to do so when it fits in! Here is a list of presentations coming up next week:
Anders Emil Stange (Chemistry) presents his thesis “Carotenoid content in algal epiphytes: A qualitative and quantitative DAD-HPLC analytical study” 12th of June at 11:00 in room 3069 (Tripletten)
Alexander Osland Ehamparam (Integrated Teacher Programme in Science and Mathematics) presents his thesis: “Ein kvalitativ studie av dialog mellom elevar og lærar rundt praktisk arbeid i kjemi” 12th of June at 10:00 in auditorium 3.
Kristin Watnedal Olsen (Medical Technology) presents her thesis: “PD-1 Receptor Occupancy Assay for Mass Cytometry” 13th of June at 10:00 in meeting room 25.1 and 5.2 in the Lab building at Haukeland University Hospital
Yacine Saada (Chemistry) presents his thesis “D – ∆ν – correlations in MRI for mapping wettability changes in porous media” 14th of June at 10:15 in room 3069 (Tripletten)
Adila Alim (Pharmacy) presents her thesis “Multifasettert analyse av stabilitet og reologiske egenskaper i forbindelse med formulering av karbamidkremer” on 16th of June at 13:30 in room 3069 (Tripletten)
Tina and Torgils hit the news with great pop-sci story
This week, the TV2 News at 9 pm offered a treat: a great presentation of the research collaboration within pharmacognosy – from botany and natural products chemistry, to compounds with promising biological activity of relevance to cancer treatment and antiviral therapy. Once again, Dorentina (Tina) Osmani and Torgils Fossen did a great job at explaining and demonstrating! The «Once again» part is a pointer to the effort made at the Opplev Marineholmen science fair by the same two researchers!
Missed the news story? Do not despair – visit TV2 news archive!
UiB kicks off annual conference series on Equality and Diversity in academia
Today gave the first in an annual series of UiB conferences on equality and diversity, with a great string of inspiring and enlightening talks by UiB and external contributors, as well as discussions and shared outlooks (cf the photo). Chemistry-student Oscar very nicely presented student perspectives of diversity.
This year’s conference also represented the conclusion of GenderAct as a Research Council (co-)funded project within the Balanse program, which implies that gender equality and a balanced gender representation were recurrent topics throughout the day. A deliverable of the project is each department developing its own local action plan toward improved gender balance, equality and diversity, and our’s may be found here.
Gave fra L. Meltzers Høyskolefond 2023 – Forskningsmidler
«L. Meltzers Høyskolefonds gave til UiB, 2023» skal brukes til UiBs vitenskapelige forskningsvirksomhet med erverv av ny grunnleggende innsikt som siktemål.

Maleri av Lauritz Meltzer, Malt av Ansgar Larsen
Pascal Dietzel er tildelt 60 kkr til dekning av kostnader til Materials for efficient electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide to formic acid as hydrogen energy carrier. Vidar Jensen er tildelt 100 kkr til dekning av kostnader i forbindelse med arrangementet – International Symposium on Olefin Metathesis and Related Chemistry (ISOM XXIV). Vi gratulerer begge to!
Det noteres at ingen fra Kjemisk institutt har søkt om og fått tildelt reisemidler for 2023.
Meltzer-fondet deler hvert år ut betydelige midler, og alle vitenskapelig ansatte ved Kjemisk institutt oppfordres herved til å vurdere muligheten for å søke støtte til prosjekter, reiser og arrangment fra Meltzer-fondet (frist 1. desember).
Update on Biogas research at TCLS this week
TCLS this week focused on Biogas; the gas mixture of methane (50-70%) and carbon dioxide (50-30%) that many of the local buses use for fuel. Assoc. Prof. Vasan Sivalingam and PhD-student Gudny Flatabø visited from Department of Process, Energy and Environmental Technology at the University of South-Eastern Norway (, and Vasan presented his research on how to advance methane yield in biogas by integration of fermentation of syngas (mixture of H2, CO2 & CO) and microbial electrosynthesis (MES). In return, Stian Hegdahl, phd-student at our department, explored and explained how to wrestle bio-oil from residues from the biogas production. He also exemplified the fate of pharmaceutical drugs when exposed to conditions needed for hydrothermal conversion of feedstock to make Bio-Oil.
Click- chemistry wins the Nobel prize
The Nobel prize this year is split equally between K. Barry Sharpless (Scripps Research, USA), Morten Meldal (Københavns universitet) and Carolyn R. Bertozzi (Stanford U., USA); the two first for laying the foundations of click chemistry, and prof. Bertozzi for putting it to good use in mapping living cells.
The principle of click chemistry is illustrated in the scheme, ”© Johan Jarnestad/The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences”. The reaction between an azide and an alkyne, in the presence of catalytic amounts of copper, produces quickly and without byproducts the corresponding substituted triazole, even in water and in the presence of air.
For a pop-sci introduction to this fascinating topic, please go here. A more in-depth exposition is to be found here.
It should be mentioned that this is prof. Sharpless´ second Nobel prize in chemistry. He also won in 2001, for his contributions to the development of «broadly useful and commercially viable catalytic oxidation chemistry for the selective production of bioactive chiral molecules.»