Category: Informasjon
Det nærmer seg årets slutt og den årvisse tradisjonen med besøk av skoleelever. Når våre Kjem110-studenter er ferdig med laboratoriekurset åpnes kurssalene for potensielltnye studenter.
Staute karer og Kjemi2 elever fra St. Paul videregående skole.
Foto: A. Aarbakke
Noen har kanskje observert store flokker av små voksne som ferdes rundt i gangene og lurt på om studentene har blitt ekstra unge? Her er kanskje svaret:
Fra fagdagen «Ka vil DU bli?»
Masterstudent Siri Louise Pendegraft hjelper en elev fra Ny Krohnborg skole.
Foto: I. J. Fjellanger
Mer informasjon om tilbudene finnes selvfølgelig på instituttets hjemmeside, hvor ellers?
Busy Thursday – nano & NMR
This Thursday is a busy day for chemists. For those engaged in nanoscience and nanoscience-related research,
the full-day nanoBergen meeting at Hotel Scandic Neptun is a must. Starting at 8.30 am, the program presents an update on the diverse research activities in the network as well as information about and invitation to join new initiatives.
To celebrated the purchase and successful installation of a top-notch 600 MHz NMR spectrometer and to inspire to many future projects to be run on this platform, the regular Thursday lunch seminar is expanded into a session of three invited lectures, starting fashionably late at 1.15pm. The program is as follows:
Directly following the last talk, you are invited for a stroll down-hill for the grand opening and cutting of ribbons at NNP, in the good company of Rector Olsen, Dean Dahle and other distinguished guests.
Seminar on Ion Mobility MS
Wednesday (Nov 22) at 12:15-13:00 @ Tripletten, application scientist at Agilent, Dr Shaun Bilsborough, will present the possibilities and applications of Ion mobility Mass spectrometry. Coffee and Danish pastry will be served.
While high resolution mass spectrometry has become the analytical cornerstone for many research applications requiring the analysis of highly complex samples, there has also been significant interest in the use of ultra-fast orthogonal techniques to provide added dimensions of separation. In multiple studies, the ion-mobility instrument has demonstrated the ability to reveal significantly greater analytical detail for complex samples compared to high resolution mass spectrometry technology alone. The 6560 Ion Mobility Quadrupole Time-of-Flight (IM-QTOF) LC/MS is the first commercially available uniform field ion mobility system, which coupled with the 1290 UHPLC, provides the combined separation power and selectivity of LC, IM, and MS techniques. Laboratories involved in cutting edge research can speed up research programs and have greater confidence in compound identification with the additional dimension of separation as well as the structural information provided by ion mobility measurements. The system enables high performance ion mobility and very precise and accurate collision cross section (CCS or W) measurements without class dependent calibration standards. The ion mobility device operates under uniform low field conditions, thus allowing the drift time information for ions to be directly converted to collision cross section information.
Dept of Chemistry receives the faculty HSE award for 2017
At the annual HSE seminar at VilVite today, the Department of Chemistry was awarded the faculty HSE prize for 2017! The prize was awarded for our effort to establish and maintain a rather comprehensive set of social & professional meeting grounds for employees and students. In addition to the old-timers, Monday morning coffee and Friday waffle gathering, and the refurbished meeting points, Thursday chemistry lunch seminars and KjemiNytt, two novelties of the year were important for winning the award. The bachelor room for chemistry students is ready for furnishing at the U floor and KFU has secured some really nice second-hand furniture from the migrating Science library. Our new social meeting room at the 3rd floor is rapidly approaching inauguration – the glass walls are being mounted as you read. In conclusion, we have won a prestigious award and, more importantly, the two new rooms create some very exciting opportunities that you are very welcome to help develop!
Standing waves in your coffee mug
Tomorrow Tuesday November 12 at 7am-12am, construction work will take place outside the department office at the third floor. The work involves drilling in the concrete floor and ceiling and is expected to be noisy. If you expect that your office will be in the noise zone, you may consider taking suitable precautions for this time slot (work from home, work in the lab if the lab is more distant, work in the library, wear ear protection etc). Please inform those who needs to know your whereabouts.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Autorisert opplæring på ny IR
Onsdag 22. november kl 09.00 kommer en emissær fra Nerliens Meszansky AS for å gi oss autorisert opplæring på vår nye IR, Nicolet iS5. Alle som ønsker godkjentstempel som spektrografiker og ellers evig ære er velkommen.
Kurslab B 3. etg.
Forskingskoordinator ved KI og IFT
Ved Kjemisk institutt og Institutt for fysikk og teknologi er det ledig ei fast stilling som forskingskoordinator (rådgjevar). Stillinga er delt mellom Kjemisk institutt og Institutt for fysikk og teknologi med hhv. 40% og 60%. Sjå detaljar her. Søknadsfrist 10. desember 2017.
Mali gains momentum
Momentum, UiB’s new high-profile Career Development Program for Young Researchers, kicked off last Friday. As one of only three researchers at our faculty (16 UiB-wide), Mali Husby Rosnes, ass. prof. at our department, has been selected for participation in the program. The program runs over one year and is designed to give talented postdocs and associate professors the opportunity to acquire and strengthen professional skills whilst offering a forum to reflect on the opportunities and challenges that working in academia present. Congratulations to Mali and good luck with the program!