(TCLS= Thursday Chemistry Lunch Seminar: 12.15-13 @ Tripletten
For ALL employees at the Chemistry Department!

The EuroNanoForum 2021 conference will address the role of nano-enabled technologies and industries in the transformation towards EU prosperity. The event will bring forward the role of R&I, as well as the opportunities offered by EU’s next Framework Programme; Horizon Europe.
The event will bring together experts across different sectors to identify policy options and priorities. In addition to sharing insight on technical, industrial and social challenges, views and ideas will be discussed on the role of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials on EU’s Recovery. The different solutions for boosting the economy through clean technology will be examined, highlighting their benefits and practical challenges, with regards to safety, health and environment, as well as ethical and societal issues.
These ambitious goals of a greener, digital, resilient and sustainable economy and society can only be achieved by co-creating innovative solutions with the collective effort of key actors encompassing researchers, innovators, industries, regions, public authorities, investors and civil society.

MSc. Silje Steinsholm successfully completed the PhD defense on 12 April by defending her thesis Sensory and Physicochemical Properties of Enzymatic Protein Hydrolysates.
We congratulate Silje with the PhD degree and also the supervisors Principal supervisor Researcher Tone Aspevik, Nofima and the co-supervisors Senior researcher Åge Oterhals at Nofima and Associate professor Jarl Underhaug at the Department of Chemistry, University of Bergen.
The press release is presented at UiB.no.

Dr. Silje Steinsholm. Photo/Ill.: Nofima AS

NKS Bergen inviterer til et interessant, digitalt intervju!
Førsteamanuensis Alexander Sandtorv (UiO) er en tidligere UiB-kjemiker med mange molekyler i luften. I tillegg til at han har publisert flere lærebøker i kjemi er han aktiv spaltist i Morgenbladet, har deltatt flere ganger på Abels tårn, nylig laget en podcast med Kristopher Schau. Du har kanskje også sett han på Lindmo.
Vi tar en prat med Alexander Sandtorv – kjemiens ansikt utad!
STED: Streames på YouTube Kl 18.00-19.00

Some of you will remember that about a year ago, professor Nathalie Reuter was appointed member of the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) of PRACE. Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe offers peer-review-based access to world class computing and data management resources and services to enable high-impact scientific discovery and engineering R&D across all disciplines.
SSC is composed of European leading researchers, and it speaks volumes of Nathalie’s international standing that she has now been elected vice-chair of the SSC – a very prestigious appointment. We proudly congratulate both Nathalie and PRACE!
The ERC project Machine Vision opens an exhibition in the University Museum today. It runs until August.
Read more

In this workshop you will work on your own DMP using a digital DMPtool, e.g DMPOnline, and then share your DMP with other participants and get feedback on your own DMP. Experts from the University Library will also be there to guide you.
Read more about recommended pre-work, the program and sign up here. Registration deadline 18 March at 10.00.
In October last year, John P. A. Ioannidis at Stanford University (widely renown for his 2005 PLoS Medicine paper «Why Most Published Research Findings Are False.») and his co-authors published a science-wide author database of standardized citation indicators based on the Scopus database. This has resulted in a list of the top 2% of the most-cited scientists in various disciplines, totalling 160,000 names including almost 1,000 researchers at Norwegian institutions. Five of them are affiliated with our department, and we congratulate our colleagues on the distinction! An interesting aspect is that only two of them (prof. Olav Kvalheim and prof. em. Rolf Manne) are shortlisted in the field of chemistry (in their case, analytical chemistry), while profs. Jeroen van der Sluijs, Øyvind M. Andersen and Tanja Barth have climbed the ranks within Environmental sciences, Plant biology and botany, and Energy, respectively. Chemistry comes in all flavours! More on this topic in Khrono.

Mer informasjon og påmelding her

Photo: Private
On 12 February, MSc Badar Al Shakry successfully defended his PhD thesis «Polymer Injectivity – Experimental Studies of Flow in Porous Media for EOR Polymers». We congratulate him with the PhD degree and also his supervisors Prof. Arne Skauge (KI), Senior researcher Tormod Skauge (Energy Research Norway) and Senior researcher Behruz Shaker Shiran (NORCE).
Link to press release.

Hvilken rolle bør formidling ha ved Universitetet i Bergen? Med en nært forestående rektorvalgkamp inviterer Selskapet til Vitenskapenes Fremme rektorteamene til et digitalt lunsjmøte om formidlingens stilling ved Universitetet i Bergen. Hvilke planer og perspektiver har de ulike rektorteamene har når det gjelder formidling?
Møteleder: Eirin Eikefjord, politisk redaktør i Bergens Tidende
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