Category: Informasjon

Our Faculty – an Environmental Trail Blazer

In April 2016, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences was certified as a “Miljøfyrtårn” (“Environmental Beacon”). The certification includes the departments, centers and the faculty administration. The certification was part of the fact that the University of Bergen, as the first of the major university in Norway, now became a “Miljøfyrtårn”.

Being an “Miljøfyrtårn” involves systematic work on environmental measures in everyday life. The organization must meet requirements and implement measures for a more environmentally friendly operation and a healthy working environment. To be certified as a “Miljøfyrtårn”, the faculty must meet a number of requirements within systematic HSE as well as requirements for waste, procurement, transport and energy. And all these requirements must be documented. We must also meet all the requirements necessary for a good HSE system. Being a “Miljøfyrtårn” commits us as an institution and as individual employees to make environmentally conscious choices in everyday life.

Julebord 6. desember kl. 18:00/Christmas party December 6 at 6 pm,

Julebord ved Kjemisk institutt, torsdag 6. desember kl. 18:00/Christmas party at the Department of Chemistry, Thursday December 6 at 6 pm,

Integrerbar – Invitasjon_Julebord_2018

BTO-day today

btoimage001After a few months with less regular interaction, we are reviving the pattern of BTO presence at the Dept of Chemistry on the first Tuesday of the month, from 12 o’clock and on. Victoria and Maja are to be found in the administration section, or possibly knocking on your door. You are more than welcome to make contact to either of them, to discuss your ongoing BTO issues or to air an idea!

Major review paper: Enzymes help bacteria evade host immunity

The Reuter group and their collaborators from University of Massachusetts (Amherst) and Boston College recently published an important review article in Chemical Reviews.  The article was featured on the cover of the journal (picture). It summarises decades of research on an important class of enzymes secreted by bacteria. The article notably provides a paradigm for how to use a combined computational/experimental approach to study proteins that transiently interact with cell membranes. At the Dept. of Chemistry, we are proud and happy about this important contribution to the scientific literature and the way it presents our department — Congrats to the authors!

Brannalarm 12.10.2018 – øvelse

Brannalarmen i dag var en øvelse The fire alarm this morning was a fire drill.

Når brannalarmen går:

  1. Ta med deg verdisaker og gå til nærmeste utgang
  2. Trekk raskt bort fra utgangen slik at alle kommer ut
  3. Gå til samlingsplassen i sør , mellom Realfagbygget og Fysikkbygget
  4. På grunn av  laboratorier i Realfagbygget er det økt brann- og eksplosjonsfare, gå derfor til samlingsplassen

Les oppslag i auditoriene for å bli kjent med rømningsveier og oppmøteplass ved evaluering av bygget.

When the fire alarm sounds:

  1. Take your valuables and go to the nearest exit
  2. Move quickly away from the door so it dosen’t get blocked
  3. Go to the assigned Meeting Place in south ,  between the Science Building and the Physics Building
  4. Realfagbygget contains laboratories which gives the building increased fire- and explosion danger, it is therefore important that you go to the assigned meeting place.

Brannalarm og evakuering 12.10.2018

Dagens brannalarm og evakuering kl 0900 var en av årets to pålagte øvelser i regi av eiendomsavdelingen.

Husk at når alarmen går, er det rake veien ut som gjelder. For de fleste ved instituttet vil det si utgangen mot nord i første etasje. Der har vi og en mellombels samlingsplass.

Forskningsdagane er i gang: Plastic fantastic?

Plastic fantastic – eller en fremtid uten plast?

Tid: Tirsdag 25. september kl. 19.00
Sted: Musikkrommet, Bergen Offentlige Bibliotek

Plast forurenser havene og kysten vår, og folk strømmer til strender for å rydde plastsøppel. Det er politisk korrekt å støtte et forbud mot engangsplast. Men er det mulig å løse plastproblemet? Og er det ikke slik at vi trenger plasten, og at vi skaper nye miljøproblemer ved å bannlyse den? Hvilket ansvar har vi forbrukere? Og hva med mikroplast og nanoplast?

Foto: Marte Haave, Uni Research


  • Leiv K. Sydnes, professor ved Kjemisk institutt ved UiB
  • Marte Haave, forsker II ved NORCE
  • Pia Ve Dahlen, Passion for Ocean
  • Elias Eriksen, styreleder i Plastretur AS Norge, styremedlem Grønt punkt Norge (eies av fem materialselskap) og daglig leder og eier av Industriplast Askøy.
  • Julie Andersland, byråd for klima, kultur og næring

Debattleder: Kjersti Sandvik

Guest lecture in the BIO building this Friday

Time and place: Friday June 15th at 13:15 in K3@BIO.

Mike Jetten and his team have provided significant discoveries about the role of anaerobic bacteria in the global nitrogen cycle (anammox) and nitrate-dependent methane oxidation.The anammox bacteria can convert nitrogen compounds into dinitrogen gas without oxygen.This process is highly beneficial to the development of sustainable waste water treatment. Anammox has therefore been implemented in sewage treatments plants worldwide.

Aiming for new infrastructure

Oct 10 is the Norwegian research council’s application deadline for national research infrastructure platforms. Only the 165 project leaders who submitted a first-stage sketch are eligible for applying. The 165 budgets sum up to 9,5 billion kroner, while the government plans to spend 600-800 million kroner. The sketches have now been published and the important process can begin of modifying, combining, and in some cases, abandoning, projects may begin.

Our department is coordinating two proposals: High-Throughput Experimentation Facility for Parallel Synthesis, and Reaction Screening and Optimisation (contact person: Giovanni) and X-ray Diffraction Instrumentation for Biostructures, Catalytic Chemistry and Functional Materials (contact person: Karl W.). We are strongly involved in the proposed National Mass Spectrometry facility for Metal Complexes, Clusters and Nanoparticles (MS-MCCN) (coordinated UiO), National Platform for NanoSafety,  and Lipidomics and Energy Metabolism Platform (both coordinated by the medical faculty, UiB).

We are hosting the NNP (National NMR platform), and experience from both the application process and the startup  will prove invaluable in the work that lies ahead.


Encouraging publication statistics for 2017

Publication statistics for 2017 has been released by the library (Universitetsbiblioteket i Bergen, 2018, Publiseringsstatistikk for UiB), and the results are quite encouraging for our department. While keeping the San Fransisco declaration in mind, one is allowed to point out that we are bouncing back to one-third of our publications appearing in level-II journals, which is also the faculty average. This means breaking a three-year slide that reached a low 16% last year. The same can be said for the number of scientific papers published and also the publication points earned (62, 55 and 72 for 2015-2017). We still have a way to go, though, with 1.2 publication points per employee engaged in research (aka UFF), compared to the faculty average of 1.7 pp/UFF.

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