Category: Person
Welcome to Susan!
Greetings from Susan !!
My name is Susan Sen and I recently joined Kjemisk Institutt as a postdoctoral fellow to work with Prof. Dietzel on the design and development of functionalized metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) to explore their catalytic activity.
I received my Ph.D. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India and then, moved to the Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS), Kyoto University, Japan to work with pioneer MOFs scientist Prof. Susumu Kitagawa as a specially appointed research fellow. Before joining UiB, I was working at the Department of Applied Chemistry, Nagoya University, Japan.
My research is mainly focused on design and development of functionalized porous materials such as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), covalent organic frameworks (COFs) and porous organic polymers (POPs) for their wider application in small molecule separations, energy storage and conversion, and heterogenous catalysis. Looking forward to meeting you all and exploring the chemistry in nanopores at UiB.
Please feel free to stop by and say hello to me in room 2002, Realfagbygget
Parveen Gartan accepted for internship at AstraZeneca through DLN
The goals of the internship program include strengthening links between higher education institutions and non-academic organizations across biotechnology sectors, including health, marine, industrial biotech, and innovation. Students are given the opportunity to receive training that is relevant to the professional world and working life.
Welcome to Liaqat
I am Liaqat Zeb, a new SEAS postdoc fellow in the research group of Bioresources and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Monica’s group). My interest in marine natural products brings me to work on marine sustainability in the SEAS project. I will be working on extracting polyphenols and natural products from brown seaweeds.
I received my PhD in Bioengineering and Biotechnology in 2020 from the School of Bioengineering, Dalian University of Technology, China. I worked as a postdoc researcher in the same school from 2020 to Jan 2023. My research focused on the cultivation of microalgae, extraction of natural products from Antarctic krill and Schizochytrium. SR21, and extraction with natural deep eutectic solvent.
I am interested in exploring Nature, climbing mountains, and playing sports.
You can find me in room 3035.
Follow Stian defending his thesis!
On Friday June 16, at 12.00 in Auditorium 2, Science Bldg, MSc Stian Hersvik Hegdahl will defend his thesis «From waste to bio-oil: Hydrothermal liquefaction of digested sewage sludge in small and large scale.»
Å utnytte avfallsprodukter på en bedre måte, kan gjøre oss mindre avhengige av råolje, noe som er et nøkkelpunkt for å redusere CO2-utslippene i atmosfæren.
I denne avhandlingen brukes avfallsproduktet kloakkslam etter anaerob utråtning (utråtnet kloakkslam) som råstoff i en studie for å produsere produkter med høyere verdi. Som prosess benyttes hydrotermisk omdanning, som er en depolymeringsprosess brukt for å produsere bioolje fra kloakkslam ved hjelp av høy temperatur og høyt trykk. Det er gjort en systematisk tilnærming ved gjennomføring av hydrotermisk omdanning på utråtnet kloakkslam ved bruk av eksperimentelle design for å bestemme hvordan de forskjellige resultatene påvirkes ved justeringer i variablene som brukes. Disse resultatene innebærer blant annet oljeutbytte, karbongjenvinning, og forholdstallene hydrogen/karbon og oksygen/karbon. I tillegg er de produserte biooljene analysert for å bestemme sammensetningen av oljene, for igjen å finne industrielle bruksområder for oljen.
Brave mountaineers – a travelogue
A small yet dedicated delegation set off from mount Ulriken Sunday morning @10. The conditions were perfect, with crystal blue skies and wind speed nothing but a light breeze. The pace was comfortable, and companionship excellent. As for wildlife, only a few ravens were spotted in addition to lots of sheep, but they were not very wild. We enjoyed our lunch next to the picturesque Tarlebøvannet, and had a short pitstop at Brushytten for ice cream and refreshments. Finally, we reached Fløyen around 15:00.
Hopefully more will join on the next hike, and in particular our fixed-term colleagues from out of town, like PhDs and Postdocs.
Department Lecture by professor Kyoko Nozaki
The Department Lecture given by professor Nozaki today, on Catalytic Hydrogenolysis of Carbon–Oxygen and Carbon–Nitrogen Bonds toward the Effective Use of Unutilized Carbon Resources, was a pure gift and source of joy to any chemically inclined person! She underscored that there many new chemical reactions to be discovered and developed, to provide a basis for a sustainable society!
Prof. Nozaki is a world-leading researcher in homogeneous catalysis and is renowned for her pioneering and transformative contributions to organic and polymer synthesis processes spanning from fundamental discovery, insight, and method development to sustainable industrial application of materials and processes. She also enjoys the synthesis of beautiful molecules. She was the first female professor to be hired at Tokyo University’s School of Engineering. Her brilliance has been recognized through numerous international awards.
Congrats to dr. Louise
The evaluation committee, including opponents Dag Erlend Olberg and Nina Kann, newly minted philosophiae doctor Louise Bergsjø Sand, and main supervisor Bengt Erik Haug were all pleased and happy about Louise’s performance today! Our congratulations to Louise and thanks to all contributors with assigned roles as well as all those showing up in the lecture room!
Welcome to Alexey!
Alexey Nesterenko is our new Postdoctoral Fellow who has joined the Department to contribute in simulating lipid membranes and carbohydrates, and to do biomacromolecular force field validation, under supervision of Markus Miettinen. Most days, you will find him at CBU@Marineholmen.
Alexey got his PhD in a field between computational chemistry and electrochemistry in 2014 at the Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, whereupon he held positions at various research institutes in Moscow and at the Moscow State University. At Frumkin, Alexey studied lipid membranes with experimental, theoretical and computational methods. His PhD was focused on investigating the structure of electrical double layer at the lipid–water interface, which was done by assembling results of MD simulation and experimental results of cation adsorption measurements. He demonstrated how to compute accurately an adsorption constant and binding site density from MD simulation. Further he continued working with this lab analyzing lipid monolayer molecular structure and polycation adsorption on anionic lipid membranes.
In 2014–2022, Alexey worked in Laboratory of Molecular Basis of Embryogenesis, where they studied and simulated pattern formation in early amphibian embryo using mathematical modeling with partial differential equations. He demonstrated there both experimentally and theoretically how difference in adsorption of growth factors onto heparin extracellular matrix could play role in pattern formation. Until very recently, he worked on advanced data analysis of mass-spectrometry data, including metabolomics and proteomics data in different experiments with rodent stroke and oxidative stress in eukaryotic cell lines.
Welcome to Pushkaraj!
Hello everyone!
I am Pushkaraj Wagh, a Bachelor of Pharmacy graduate from MVP School of Pharmacy, Nasik, India. The conventional path led me to the California to pursue my master’s in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Western University of Health Sciences. My thesis was “Preparation and in vitro evaluation of PEGylated silk-fibroin nanoparticles for the delivery of celastrol.”
I am starting my doctoral research on formulation of lipid nanoparticles for the delivery of oligonucleotides with focus on – the internalization of nanoparticles inside a cell along with the delivery of specific oligonucleotide under the tutelage of Prof. Wei Wang.
My personal interests include photography, exploring places and nature around me. You can find me in Room 3010!
Flott markering for Svein Haavik
Feiring og markering for farmasigrunnlegger Svein Haavik
Torsdag 30. mars var venner og nære kolleger samlet for markering i forbindelse med at grunnlegger av Senter for Farmasi, Svein Haavik, pensjonerer seg. Svein ble Cand. Pharm. i 1980 ved UiO og tok doktorgrad i farmakognosi samme sted (1986). Svein sitt opprinnelige fagfelt var allergener, spesielt fra timotei med fokus på glykoproteinene og karbohydratene sin betydning for allergenaktiviteten. Han arbeidet som førsteamanuensis ved Farmasøytisk institutt ved UiO etter dette. På denne tiden arbeidet han blant annet med glykoproteinet Epiglycanin, et viktig protein i noen krefttyper, som kan spille en viktig rolle i om kreften er malign eller ikke. I 1988-89 hadde han utenlandsopphold som forsker ved Harvard Medical School, Boston.
I 1995 flyttet han tilbake til Vestlandet for å overta stillingen som apoteker ved Sykehusapoteket i Bergen. I tiden som fulgte ble han den viktigste pådriveren for og initiativtageren til å få opprettet farmasiutdanningen ved Universitetet i Bergen. Etter iherdig innsats ble Senter for Farmasi ved Universitetet i Bergen etablert og første kull med masterstudenter begynte på studiet i 2003. Allerede i juni 2007 ble Silje Søviknes den første farmasistudenten med mastergrad uteksaminert fra Universitetet i Bergen, med Svein, Anne Gerd Granås og Tone Morken som veiledere. Siden 2008 har 15 kull med farmasistudenter fullført mastergradsutdannelsen ved UIB. Svein ble leder for Senter for farmasi fra og med grunnleggelsen og i 16 år fremover. Senter for farmasi var de første årene et selvstendig senter med deltagelse fra Det Matematisk-Naturvitenskapelige fakultet og Det Medisinsk-Odontologiske fakultet. Farmasistudiet er senere omorganisert og hører nå administrativt til under Det medisinske fakultet. Svein ble forfremmet til professor i 2011. I løpet av de 20 årene Svein har forsket ved UiB, har han publisert flittig og med stor bredde, både innen farmakognosi, farmakologi og samfunnsfarmasi.
Senter for farmasi er kjennetegnet av godt samarbeid, både når det gjelder undervisning og forskning og har helt siden etableringen bidratt signifikant til å fremme tverrvitenskapelig forskning og bidratt vesentlig for å etablere produktive multidisiplinære tverrfakultære forskningsgrupperinger.
Fra Kjemisk Institutt, Institutt for Global Helse og Samfunnsmedisin, Institutt for Biomedisin og Klinisk Institutt 2, i tillegg til representanter for de deltagende fakultetene og fra apotekene, møtte kolleger like før påske til en trivelig samling for å markere og sette lys på en del av de mange bidragene som Svein har vært en sentral drivkraft for. En rekke talere uttrykte takknemlighet for Svein sin imponerende mangeårige innsats for det farmasøytiske fagmiljøet, både internasjonalt, nasjonalt og regionalt.
Tekst og foto: Torgils Fossen.