(TCLS= Thursday Chemistry Lunch Seminar: 12.15-13 @ Tripletten
For ALL employees at the Chemistry Department!
Det er i år valg til instituttrådet for gruppe A (fast ansatte i undervisnings- og forskerstilling), gruppe B (midlertidig tilsatte i undervisnings- og forskerstilling), gruppe C (ansatte i tekniske og administrative stillinger) og gruppe D (studenter).
Kandidatene i gruppe B og D blir valgt for perioden 1.8.2021-31.7.2022. Kandidatene i gruppe A og C blir valgt for perioden 1.8.21-31.7.25.
Har du lyst til å stille, eller kjenner du noen som har lyst til å stille til valg, så vil Kari Nordvik gjerne høre fra deg!
Frist for å melde inn kandidater er 23. mars kl. 12:00
Members representing all groups (staff and students) to the Department Board are to be elected for the period of – group B and D 1.8.2021-31.7.2022, group A and C 1.8.21-31.7.2025.
Do you want to run as a candidate, or to you know someone who do – please let us know!
Contact Kari.Nordvik@uib.no
Deadline for the nomination of candidates is 23. March, 12:00PM

UiB idé gives employees and students the possibility to apply for economic support for good innovation ideas, which must be developed and tested before they can be further developed.
For an idea to be innovative, it must be novel, create value and respond to specific needs from a certain user group, or from society in general. Good ideas are found in all professional environments, and can become social innovations, public sector innovations, process innovations, commercialization projects or other types of innovation.
With UiB idé, UiB has a program that can support your idea with both advice and funding, to help you to reach your goal.
The maximum funding amount is NOK 500,000 for researcher projects, and NOK 100,000 for student projects. The application deadline is 6 April 2021, and the project must be completed by December 2021. For the pilot year 2021, the total program budget is around NOK 2,000,000.
You can read more about the call and application procedure at the UiB idé webpage.
News story about UiB idé.
Solveig Bakke Vasstveit er tilsatt i administrasjonen ved Kjemisk institutt, med primæroppgaver knyttet til bestillinger. Solveig har hatt i ulike stillinger innen administrasjon og resepsjon på GEO, MN-administrasjonen og MI. Hun studerte på UiB og tok hovedfag i kvartærgeologi i 1996, og jobbet deretter mange år i oljen med overvåking i Nordsjøen, på land med borekroner og vedlikehold av dokumenter i styringssystem.

All UiB SFF applicants are now presented on uib.no including Centre for Discovery of Complex Molecules (CDCM) lead by professors Deryn E. Fogg and Vidar R. Jensen from the Department of Chemistry.

Ill.: CDCM/https://www.uib.no/en/cdcm

Ill.: Colourbox
11 January at 12 noon: Webinar about financial reporting and project amendment. Live stream and recordings become available.
13 January at 1 p.m.: Webinar about the application form. Live stream.

Hele pressemeldingen finner du her :::>

Lene Pilskog, business developer in Renevo: Biogas is a mixture of methane and CO2 produced by anaerobic digestion of organic matter in an oxygen-free environment. RENEVO is in the process of building an innovative biogas plant in Stord, Norway, that will produce liquid bio-methane for fuel, and bio-CO2 for industrial use. The gas will be used in heavy transport, buses and in ship traffic. The feedstock for the production is livestock manure and fish silage. There are several CO2-reducing elements embedded in the project, and as a result- the production of biogas is in total better than zero emissions of GHG. The presentation will focus on these CO2-reducing measures.
Time: Tuesday 1st December from 12:15 to 13:00 (the doors open at 12:00).
UiB, ved marin satsing, skal fordele to fireårige tverrfaglige marine stipendiatstillinger for 2021. Fakultetet inviterer med dette alle fagmiljø ved UiB til å sende inn søknad om å få tildelt en slik stilling.

Ill.: Colourbox.com
Utlysningen er gitt her. Søknaden skal være en en-sides beskrivelse av et tverrfaglig marint ph.d.-prosjekt. Det er ikke gitt en mal for oppsett av søknaden, men du kan laste ned et skjema som kan være til hjelp i skrivearbeidet her.
Dersom du ønsker å søke, sendes skissen til Hege senest 19. januar. Søknadene sendes samlet fra instituttet til fakultetet 20. januar.