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Elvira wins prize!
The 15th edition of European Molecular Imaging Meeting (EMIM) was held during the last of week of August (in a virtual edition, obviously), with Elvira García de Jalón Viñegra among the participants. She is a PhD student with prof. Emmet Mc Cormack at Department of Clinical Science (K2) and a full-blown member of the Haug research group in medicinal chemistry at our department. Elvira was granted an oral contribution in the session on New Tools for Cancer Imaging, with her paper on Repurposing 18F-FMISO for clinical PET/CT imaging of nitroreductase gene directed enzyme prodrug therapy. Her science and presentation of it impressed the jury to the extent that she was selected for the «best-lecture-of-the-session» award! Quoting the proud prize-winner, «I am the type of person that does not give up until I get to understand things.» This is an extremely useful strait in a researcher – we offer our congratulations!
Finn rett match for Horisont 2020 Green Deal-utlysninger på mandag
Forskningsrådet tilbyr et skreddersydd, virtuelt opplegg for å bistå offentlige aktører, forskningsmiljøer og NGOer til å finne rett match for Horisont 2020 Green Deal-utlysninger. Deltakelse på disse matchmaking-dagene er god forberedelse også for deg som planlegger å finne internasjonale partnere under European Research and Innovation Days 22.-24. september.
Om Green Deal
I 2020 lyser EU-Kommisjonen ut ekstraordinære midler gjennom Horisont 2020 for å nå målene i Green Deal – EUs ambisiøse veikart mot et nullutslippskontinent. Pakken med utlysninger har en verdi på ca. 1 mrd. euro. Utlysningene legger vekt på tverrsektorielt samarbeid for å nå målene.
Program Mandag 7. september
- Kl. 08.30-10.30 Area 2 og 4 (topic 2.1, 2.2 og 4.1)
Clean, affordable and secure energy og Energy and resource efficient buildings - Kl. 10.45-12.15 Area 3 (topic 3.1 og 3.2)
Industry for a clean and circular economy - Kl. 12.45-14.00 Area 7 (topic 7.1)
Ecosystems and Biodiversity - Kl. 14.15-15.45 Area 8 (topic 8.1. og 8.2)
Zero-pollution, toxic free environment
Trial lecture. Biofuels: Status, challenges and perspectives
MSc. Hilde Vik Halleraker delivers her lecture over given topic as partial fulfilment of the requirements for the ph.d. degree.
Title: . Biofuels: Status, challenges and perspectives.
Testing out the next level of Scifinder
Chemical abstract service has given access for users at the chemistry department to their new platform Scifinder-n. The trial period lasts through the rest of this year. You can log in using the same username and password as for Scifinder. Log in at https://scifinder-n.cas.org.
Test of fire alarm – Friday Aug 14, at 7 -8 am.
Til informasjon: I forbindelse med service på brannvarslingssystemet på Realfagbygget vil det på fredag den 14-08-20 bli testing av BRANNKLOKKER i tidsrommet mellom kl. 07 – 08. Det vil være en pulserende ringing som ikke skal responderes på. Dører som står åpne på magnet vil også lukkes i dette tidsrommet. Spørsmål kan rettes til driftstelefon 55589393. Hilsen Driften v/ Svein Fosse
Comparison of energy sources and transport alternatives using life cycle assessment.
On Friday Aug 14 at 10.15, Jørgen Gausdal Jacobsen delivers his trial lecture for the PhD degree, with the title Comparison of energy sources and transport alternatives using life cycle assessment.
Location Zoom. The meeting is set up with a waiting-room function due to the security regulations for ZOOM meetings. The moderator gives access to the participants manually. The entrance closes when the lecture starts. Therefore, please, log into the meeting a few minutes before 10.15. Welcome!
Abstract: The search for energy sources with higher energy efficiency and lower environmental impact has increased rapidly in recent years. This has led to the development of new approaches to calculate the net energy gain of different energy sources and transport alternatives. In the lecture key factors such as energy payback ratio, energy efficiency, sustainability, etc. are introduced and defined. These parameters will be used to compare life cycle energy gain and consumption for different energy sources including a discussion of CO2 footprint, degree of renewability and sustainability. Specifically, power sources such as hydro, wind and solar will be compared to hydrocarbon gas and coal. The lecture will be assessed by Tore Skodvin (leader), Tanja Barth og Bjarte Holmelid.
Cecilie hjelper barista og promoterer kjemi
Som kjemikarar er vi godt kjent med at den molekylære samansetjinga til ei prøve er avgjerande for både fysikalske, kjemiske og sensoriske eigenskaper. Denne forståinga er ikkje like godt etablert i samfunnet ellers, og det var derfor gledeleg at Barista-Christian vende seg til Kjemisk institutt for å få innsikt i den kjemiske samansetjinga av mesterskapskaffien som han var så stolt over. Cecilie tok i mot utfordringa, og resultatet var både ein flott promoteringsvideo for kjemi, og ei sølvmedalje i Barista-NM for Christian. Så er det framleis eit stykke fram til det å utvikle den beste kaffien på basis av kjemiske analysar… Takk til kommunikasjonsgjengen på MN-fakultetet!
Sometimes you have to cool down to become ‘HOT’
Metal-organic frameworks (MOF) are typically microporous materials (i.e. with pore diameter < 2 nm), and their properties in respect to gas adsorption and separation processes have been much investigated. One of the most interesting MOF materials for a number of sorption processes, e.g. hydrogen purification or storage at low temperature, methane storage at high pressures, or carbon dioxide capture, is the CPO-27 series of materials, in whose development Prof. Pascal Dietzel from our department had a pioneering role. One of his specialties is the use of in situ X-ray diffraction measurements to study the host-guest structures of gases adsorbed in the porous materials. The research group had studied CO2 adsorption on CPO-27 in the past, by cooling samples in 1 bar CO2 from 453 to 195 K. Usually, one wouldn’t cool below the sublimation temperature of CO2 in the experiment because the pores are full with CO2 at that temperature. However, the CO2 adsorbed on the metal cation of the MOF is known to perform a precession movement that affects the crystal structure determination, so Dietzel and co-workers decided to cool the sample further to see whether the adsorbed molecule gets locked in a more defined position at lower temperatures. This wasn’t the case, but instead they observed a phase transition in CO2 loaded CPO-27-Co and Zn below 110 K, in which the inorganic chains and the organic ligands of the framework collectively rearrange into a distorted superstructure of the original honeycomb-resembling structure. The paper is being featured with free access for 6 weeks in the quarterly HOT article collection of CrystEngComm, which represents the top 10% of interesting and significant research for this community. We congratulate!
Congrat´s Dr Henrik!
Last Tuesday, Henrik Nicolay Sørgård defended, successfully and with great stamina, his thesis «Wetting in Porous Media: A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study» for the degree of ph.d. Stamina was surely needed, because only rarely has an opponent met better prepared than in this case — the number of well-designed slides exceeded 60. Congratulations are in order, and Henrik will surely enjoy his best summer vacation in years!