Category: Informasjon

Bygging av nytt dusj- og garderobeanlegg i RFB, våren 2019

Da er det er endelig klart for oppstart, ombygging og modernisering av dusj & garderobeanlegget i kjelleren, Realfagbygget, til glede for både jobbsyklister og andre ansatte.
Dette innebærer at eksisterende bruk av dusj/garderobe i kjelleren midlertidig må opphøre, f.o.m. dato for byggestart:  1.februar, 2019. Ombyggingen er forventet å ta noen måneder.
Spørsmål om selve ombyggingen kan rettes til prosjektleder ved EiA, Morten Storheim:  90985213.

Kristof Vlaeminck will visit Chemistry

UiB’s man in Brussels, Kristof Vlaeminck, will visit Department of Chemistry next Thursday 24 January. He will update us on the next Horizon Europe framework program, and guide us through a strategic prosess toward influencing the next framework program.

«It is my task to help the university leadership and the UiB researchers understand Horizon 2020 and guide them in making strategic choices«.

Alette disputerer

MSc Løbø Viken

Alette Løbø Viken disputerer fredag 25. januar 2019 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlinga: «Viscosity and Viscoelastic Properties in Hydrophobically Modified Polymers for Enhanced Oil Recovery». Hurra!

Tid og sted er kl. 10:30 i Stort auditorium på Høyteknologisenteret

BTO on Monday

Our BTO contacts, Victoria and Maja, are back at the department this Monday, 12- 16. Please stop by them at Cecilie’s office to discuss how they can facilitate your ideas and ambitions regarding innovation etc. To kick off the new term in a good manner, they promise to serve coffee!

Keep an eye on Energy Lab

Energy Lab is a forum for exchange of information on research results and activities related to renewable energy and energy transition. The Energy Lab hosts weekly informal lunch meetings and larger half-day seminars. These events are free of charge and open to all interested. An overview of scheduled events can be found in the calendar.

Next Tuesday (Jan 8), prof. Martin Fernø (IFT) discusses The role of hydrogen for energy transition – Outlook from UiB, at 12.0013.00 in The Helland-Hansen room, Geophysical Institute, Allegaten 70. To illustrate the nature of the Energy Lab, last year hydrogen was at focus in the following four lunch presentations: Hydrogen som drivstoff i maritim transportHydrogen in JapanHydrogen from waste; and Fuel Cells and Hydrogen in Maritime Applications.

Note also that on Jan 15, the topic is how to make synthetic liquid fuels. This is an important research topic also at our department. This event takes place at HVL Campus Kronstad.

Impact course for proposals

When: 10 January 2019, 9:00 – 13:00 @ UiB.

«How to write the impact part of project proposals?» by Sean McCarthyHyperion Ltd. With his experience as a researcher and proposal evaluator, he will focus on impact section in order to succeed in research financing. Sean McCarthy is pre-informed about NRC’s new assessment criteria, and prepare his course in conjunction with the latter. The course is internal for UiB researchers. Lunch will be served – no conference fee. Register before the course get fully booked here.

Greetings from EuChemS

Passing on Christmas greetings from EuChemS, the European Chemical Society representing more than 160,000 chemists from more than 40 Member Societies and other chemistry related organisations, with the full newsletter for December to be found here!

Christmas Party

Hard work and sweat in the laboratory over sheet music – the second and last rehearsal for the spontaneous Chemistry Christmas Carol Choir!

When: Thursday 6 December at 18:00. Where: Integrerbar

Dialog meeting about Plan S

Time: Friday December 7: 10 – 12pm at Dragefjellet Skole.

Among the speakers are John-Arne Røttingen (CEO in the Research Council of Norway) and Dag Rune Olsen (rector of UoB).

Please join for an interesting debate about Plan S – its implementation and concequences.

See link for program here


BTO-day this Tuesday

Reminder: The first Tuesday of the month is BTO-day, and Victoria and Maja will be here from 12 o´clock – at your service!

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