Category: konferanse etc
3 timers – HMS / 3h HSE seminar
Torsdag 24. november kl 9-12 vil forelesere og teknisk stab på Kjemisk institutt gjennomføre eit HMS-seminar med fokus på laboratoriepraksis. Thursday November 24 at 9-12 am, the chemistry department will join in a seminar focussed on HSE-issues at the laboratory.
Ethics in research – follow-up on Leiv’s talk 14d ago
Formally a part of the regular course MNF990 Theory of Science and Ethics, today (Wednesday 21 September) there will be a mini seminar series with three eminent lecturers on ethics in science.
Location: Biologen (Thormøhlens gate 53b), B-blokken, room K3/K4 (1H19/1G19) .
At 10.15-12 – Andrea Saltelli on Responsible Quantification.
At 12.15-14 – Roger Strand on Responsible Research and Innovation.
At 14.15-16 – David Gee on Conflicts of Interest in research.
You are all welcome to attend one or several of these lectures.
Note also that there will be an early evening lecture in Egget (at the Student Centre) on Climate numbers and climate wars. A fatal attraction? Andrea Saltelli lectures at Wednesday 21 Sept 16.15-18hr
Kjersti i Forsker Grand Prix!
Vår eiga Kjersti Enerstvedt stiller opp i Forskar Grand Prix under Forskningsdagane og forsvarar instituttet sine mange fargar! Bergensfinalen blir arrangert 28. september i Mimes Brønn på Høgskolen i Bergen, Campus Kronstad. Dørene åpnar kl. 18. De to beste forskarane går vidare til den nasjonale finalen i Bergen 1. oktober. Du finn meir informasjon her.
Be om billettar her.
Møt opp og støtt Kjersti i å bringe kjemi ut til folket!
Chris goes to Columbus
Based on his academic accomplishments and the scientific merit of his research, Chris Stavaas has been selected by the organizers to become one of 26 participants in the 2016 SciFinder Future Leaders program. This implies a week-long skills- and network-building program in Columbus, Ohio, before travelling to Philadelphia to attend the 252nd ACS National Meeting & Exposition. We congratulate Chris on this opportunity and look forward to his extensive travel report, hereby scheduled for a Thursday chemistry talk!
Interesting lecture: The shape of Big Data
Volterra lecture by professor Gunnar Carlsson, Department of Mathematics, Stanford University
Abstract: There is a lot of discussion around «Big Data», which refers to the large and complex data sets currently being gathered about scientific, engineering, and commercial problems. Although the size of the data is certainly a significant roadblock to the goal of obtaining useful information and knowledge from the data, the complexity of the data is often a more significant hurdle. This means that there is a need for a new organizing principle and modeling mechanism, and it turns out that topology (the mathematical study of shape) can be used to provide such an organizing principle. The talk will discuss these ideas, with many examples involving life sciences data.
HMS- og strategidag
Mandag 13. juni heldt Kjemisk institutt ein kombinert HMS- og strategidag på fiskebaren Von Tangen i Sandviken. Litt kummerlige konferansefasilitetar blei meir enn kompensert for av ein flott historisk atmosfære i den gamle fiskehandlerbua. Forsamlinga gav verdifulle bidrag til arbeidsmiljøet gjennom god og humørfyllt innsats i ulike gruppearbeid knytt til uformelle sosiale møteplassar, faglege møteplassar, analysar av kulturen på instituttet samt vurdering av tiltak for betre studiemiljø. Innimellom sjøbein og arbeid blei det også tid til å nyte sommarsol, sjøbris og gamal maritim teknologi!
Norges kraftigste magnet på plass i Bergen!
Offisiell åpning av Den norske NMR-plattformen
Torsdag 16. juni kl. 13:30–18:00, i Auditoriet i VilVite
Åpningen vil blant annet inneholde en serie foredrag av anerkjente norske og internasjonale forskere. Etter foredragene, ca kl 1630, blir det snorklipping og lett bevertning i NNP-bygget, aka Verkstedsbygget (Thormøhlensgate 55A), der 850MHz-instrumentet er plassert. Der vil besøkende få anledning til å ta det nye laboratoriet i nærmere øyensyn.
Kontaktperson: Manager ved den norske NMR-plattformen Førsteamanuensis Jarl Underhaug
The Pope meets Leiv!
Professor Leiv K. Sydnes was involved as an organizer of and lecturer at the IUPAC conference CHEMRAWN XXI Solid Urban Waste Management, which took place in Rome, Italy April 6-8. For further details, press here.
The day after the conference he was invited to meet the Pope after the Saturday service at Piazza San Pietro. Pope Francis is very concerned about environmental issues and just sharing of resources, and last year he hosted a high-level meeting with focus on economic inequalities and protection of the natural environment.
Deadline: Abstract for EuCheMS 6CC
Deadline for submission of abstracts to the 6th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress is April 1. More information here.