Category: Person

Women in Research

Date: 8 March 14:15 – 16:00.

To celebrate International Women’s Day, colleagues from the MatNat faculty has been invited to share their experiences of working in research at UiB.

Place: Realfagsbygget, MatNat Library (floor U).

Mali Rosned (picure) will join the panel discussion. See more info on the following links (NO/EN).

Kristof Vlaeminck will visit Chemistry

UiB’s man in Brussels, Kristof Vlaeminck, will visit Department of Chemistry next Thursday 24 January. He will update us on the next Horizon Europe framework program, and guide us through a strategic prosess toward influencing the next framework program.

«It is my task to help the university leadership and the UiB researchers understand Horizon 2020 and guide them in making strategic choices«.

Alette disputerer

MSc Løbø Viken

Alette Løbø Viken disputerer fredag 25. januar 2019 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlinga: «Viscosity and Viscoelastic Properties in Hydrophobically Modified Polymers for Enhanced Oil Recovery». Hurra!

Tid og sted er kl. 10:30 i Stort auditorium på Høyteknologisenteret

Great News III: BIOTEK2021 grant to Nathalie Reuter et al.

Today, The Research Council announced that Prof. Nathalie Reuter and partners got funded from in the BIOTEK2021 call for Centre for Digital Life Norway.

Together with Reuter’s colleages Bengt-Erik Haug, Ruth Brenk and Alexander Lundervoldthe team was funded with the project «Towards better computational approaches and responsible innovation strategies in early drug discovery: application to antibiotics and COPD». Centre for Digital Life are expanding their portfolio with five new research projects funded this round within biotechnology (see more info). In collaboration with CBU, Reuter et al. are aiming toward a more responsible and efficient drug development. We are proud of having such successful people working at, and with, the Department of Chemistry.

Great News II: FRIMEDBIO grant to Nathalie Reuter et al.

Prof. Nathalie Reuter and partners have won a grant by The Research Council’s funding scheme for Medicine, Health Sciences and Biology (FRIMEDBIO), for her project entitled «Mapping protein-membrane interfaces for a better description of the protein-lipid interactome,» starting in 2019.

Biological membranes are ancient and crucial components in the organisation of life. Not only do they define the boundaries of cells and organelles, but they are stage to numerous molecular interactions. The present project is a multidisciplinary mission to characterize peripheral protein-membrane interfaces and quantify the energetics determinants of interfacial binding to formulate a new model for peripheral membrane binding.

In addition to project leader Nathalie Reuter, the other local chemistry partners are Bengt Erik Haug and Willy Nerdal. All project contributors are warmly congratulated!!

The project is the second granted FRIPRO application this year for Department of Chemistry.

Great News I: FRINATEK grant to Deryn Fogg et al.

Prof. Deryn Fogg and partners have won a grant by The Research Council’s funding scheme for independent projects (FRIPRO) for the project: «Water-tolerant catalysis: Boosting chemical biology, medicine, and sustainable chemical manufacturing».

Water-tolerant metal catalysis holds enormous promise for applications in chemical biology, medicine, and sustainable chemical manufacturing. The present project is aimed at developing high-performing, water-tolerant metathesis technologies capable of realizing this promise. A diverse team of experts stand behind the project which unites outstanding experimental and computational strengths in olefin metathesis, in catalyst and ligand design, and in the synthesis of challenging molecular targets that represent highly desirable new drug classes. In addition to the project leader, Prof. Deryn Fogg, local partners are Vidar Jensen, Giovanni Occhipinti, Marco Foscato, Jarl Underhaug and Karl Törnroos. Congratulations to all contributors!


Congratulations, Dr. Rafiq

Foto: Julia Løining

MSc Rafiq Ahmad today successfully defended his thesis titled Thermal and rheological properties of fish feed protein ingredients. The project has been run at Nofima. Although introducing soy protein concentrates to fish feed is desirable from a supply point of view, it does introduce problems to the extrusion process necessary to make feed pellets. Rather than plasticizing the mixture by addition of water, which is energy costly in the subsequent drying step, Refiq has explored the use of other protein additives rich also in free amino acids, to facilitate the extrusion step.

Takk Nina!

Etter meir enn 30 år på Kjemisk institutt, kom Nina sin siste arbeidsdag hos oss i dag. I går hadde vi ei god samkome kor instituttet fekk uttrykke kor mykje Nina har kome til å bety både for alle oss som har og har hatt vårt dagleg virke her, for studentar og gjester som har hatt Nina som møtepunkt med Kjemisk institutt, og spesielt for nære arbeidskollegaer innan administrasjonen ved instituttet. Vi ønskjer Nina lukke til med tilveret som pensjonist!

Welcome Christoph!

Christoph Bauer is a postdoctoral researcher with a background in computational chemistry (University of Bonn, PhD, 2018). He did a project in cheminformatics/ machine learning at ETH Zürich (2017-2018) and is currently working on models to expand on the prediction of the metabolism of xenobiotics at the Department of Chemistry and at the Computational Biology Unit at UiB.

Velkomen, Karianne!!

Karianne Søreide er nylig tilsett ved Kjemisk Institutt. Ho vil mellom anna ha ansvar for ekspedisjonen ved instituttet og dei mange oppgåvene som følger med det. Austevollingen som er busett i Bergen, har ei mastergrad i medievitskap frå Universitetet i Bergen (2016). Ho har i tida etter studia opparbeida seg ein variert og allsidig arbeidserfaring frå blant anna servicebransjen, undervisning som lærarvikar, samt saksbehandling og rettleiing av regelverk igjennom Avdeling for pasientreiser i Helse Bergen.

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